Shattered Book Companion Journal
After the brief information below, you will find journal pages that will help you work through your own thoughts and feelings. My hope is you find something that gives you an “AHA” in these pages, and that leads you to make a positive change in your life:) Journaling These journaling exercises are really meant to get you shining a light on your own thoughts and feelings. Many of us go through life subconsciously not realizing how what we are thinking is creating our life. When completing journaling exercises, it’s important to let go of all the judgment you have around what you write down. Write with free abandon. In English class, I remember it being called “free writing” or sometimes “brainstorming”. Don’t censor your thoughts! Censoring does not help you to really understand yourself and why you are where you are right now in your life. The forgiveness exercise is one of the most important things I worked through since losing Trevor. I worked on forgiving myself along with everyone else. No one has to know they are on your forgiveness list. Forgiveness is about you. You get to feel the relief of forgiving those who many times don’t even know that you are hanging on to some old hurt! The forgiveness mantra I used either with tapping or just by repeating to myself was “I forgive you, I’m sorry, Thank you, I love you” My suggestions: Setup a time each day (I prefer either right after I get out of bed or right before I get into bed) to do journaling work. Buy a journal you love the look and feel of. It can be the best $10-$20 investment in yourself! Fill it up, and then buy another. I’m serious;) One of my mentors suggests doing the Be, Do, Have exercise every day. This will help clarify what your true wants and desires are in your life. My life coach suggests to have a “thought download” each day. These are what I call a “brain dump”. Before I met my life coach, I only did a brain dump when I was feeling overwhelmed about a project I was working on, or had too many things on my mind at home. Now I find that it helps tremendously to do this exercise on a regular basis. Sometimes I narrow it to only be about all the stuff I need to do in my business.
How you think Learning about how you think about yourself is sooo important. I believe many of us talk to ourselves really negatively all the time without fully being aware of it. The beliefs we’ve grown up with have formed thoughts about who we are and what we are capable of. Really, those things are just thoughts in our head. When I learned that my thoughts and beliefs were not necessarily true….I changed my thinking, and changed my life! Literally! I realized I could write a book! I could be a successful coach! I could lose weight! Look at how you talk to yourself. Question things you believe about yourself and others. Is it true that you could “never be a successful business owner”. Is it true that “I will always be fat, that’s just the way it is”. Is it true that “rich people are greedy”? Is it true that “We could never afford to take that kind of vacation”? Notice that these are thoughts you’ve had for so long that they have become beliefs. Start questioning your thoughts. If you find many negative thoughts you have that you feel bad about, don’t worry. It’s OK, and often a little painful to realize how badly we treat ourselves. Instead, show compassion for yourself and vow to start finding better thoughts. This is a topic for a whole other book...but I suggest you read Brooke Castillo’s book “Self Help 101”. Amazing book that teaches all about our thoughts and how they create our life. What do you want? I encourage you to dream about the life you want. How do you want to feel every day? What do you want to weigh? How do you want your marriage or significant relationship to feel? How much money do you want to have in your bank account? Where do you want to live? And then realize that you can choose to have any of those things in your life that you want. Your life right now is in your control. You just haven’t realized it:) Look up “how to do a vision board” or “how to do a dreamboard” on Youtube and start making your own. This is a really fun exercise...I have one on my computer that I see every day, several times a day. Closing The journal exercises below are just a start to what is possible for you to journal about. I’ve found it really helpful to receive coaching through the painful processes I went through to help me feel better. I believe so much in the power of coaching that I still have coaches to help push me forward today. You can also find lots of books on the topic of mindfulness, self awareness and goal setting. If you’d like further help in the area of working through your mental clutter, physical clutter, and clarifying how to move forward towards a happier life, please contact me at You are worth it! I believe in you. You too can live a life you love and show up as the best version of yourself with your family, friends, clients and coworkers. You are meant to live a fulfilling life. I love you. Thank you for being a part of the journey I am on!
What obstacle(s) is holding you back from living a happy life What obstacle(s) is holding you back from living a happy life? This doesn’t have to be a loss. What comes to the top of your mind?
Why do you think the obstacles you wrote about are holding you back?
What do you think would have to happen for you to move forward and choose a better feeling life?
Who would you have to forgive in order to move forward Who would you have to forgive in order to move forward? Write everything and everyone down. No judgment.
What do you think about yourself. Begin with “I am” and free write What do you think about yourself? Begin with “I am” and free write. It’s important not to censor what you write here.
What are the dreams you have for your life? Brainstorm without judgment. Anything you can think of.
Who do you want to BE in this life Who do you want to BE in this life? Example: I want to be an author) Write all ideas down.
What would you like to DO in this life What would you like to DO in this life? Example: I want to travel to Hawaii. Write it all..even if you think it’s impossible!
What would you like to HAVE in this life What would you like to HAVE in this life? Example: I want to have $25,000 in my rainy day savings.
Supplemental sheet for other notes.