White Ribbon Day.


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Presentation transcript:

White Ribbon Day

Creator of heaven and earth, We have sinned against you Participants in evil.   Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, We have sinned against you And against our neighbours near and far, In thought and word and deed;

In the evil we have done, When we use our power to hurt those who are vulnerable, And in the good we have not done, When we ignore or judge those who need our help,

Through ignorance, through weakness, Through our own deliberate fault.   We are truly sorry And repent of all our sins.

Help us to have the courage to seek help when we are weak,   Help us to have the courage to seek help when we are weak, To have eyes to see and ears to hear the cry of those who need our help. Help us to act in love and compassion and mercy, To change ourselves, to change our world.

Who died that we might live, Forgive us all that is past;   For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Who died that we might live, Forgive us all that is past;

And grant that we may serve you In newness of life To the glory of your name. Amen   Adapted from p 113. Be our Freedom Lord.