OPEN SOURCE A Hasty Primer
Definitions Free - no restrictions Public Domain - not copyrighted Freeware - free distribution and use, copyrighted Open Source - can view, alter and distribute source code; semi-structured development Community Source - Open source software maintained by a chartered community of users
More Definitions Shareware - free distribution; users pay fee Proprietary - exclusively owned and controlled; usually confidential Licensed - license determines privileges Commercial - proprietary, licensed, sold for profit
FreeBSD Open Source Model Several thousand programmers contribute code 300 programmers can commit changes to the kernel, utilities and official documentation A release engineering team provides quality control A security team is responsible for responding to security incidents. An elected core group (eight members) set the overall direction
Open Source vs Commercial Open / Comm. Source Commercial Hardware acquisition & operations costs Equal Software acquisition costs Much less - maybe $0 Much more - $M Software operations and development costs Fees to community source organization and / or add more staff Annual maintenance fee Implementation costs “In the end, it may be that open source won’t reduce your overall costs but will instead shift those costs” Kenneth C. Green
Critical Success Factors Application in use in multiple similar schools (no vaporware) Person, team, or organization acts as gatekeeper for core system Stable developer community exists and is dedicated to improving application Vision for the future of application exists User community growing (or large and stable)
ERP Systems within CA Community Colleges Commercial Datatel “Colleague” Oracle “PeopleSoft” SAP Sungard “Banner” Open Source / Community Source / Free Kuali Legacy
Distribution of ERP Systems Vendor - Package Type Number of Community Colleges (CA) Number of Multiple College Districts (CA) Datatel Colleague Commercial 40 / 41 9 Oracle PeopleSoft TBD SAP LACCD (9 colleges) has implemented Fin & HR / Payroll LACCD has implemented Financials & HR / Payroll Sungard Banner 30 6 Kuali Open Source San Joaquin Delta College plans to implement Financials in 2008 *Only colleges / districts who have implemented the Student module are counted
Kuali Family Kuali Financials - first release October 2006, San Joaquin Delta CCD plans to adopt July 2008 Kuali Student - consortium still forming,no financial aid or scheduling modules planned; San Joaquin Delta CCD founding partner Kuali Research Administration - modification of MIT system; not released; status ? Kuali Endowment Model - consortium forming