the building blocks of photography
line Line has greater length than width. Lines direct the eye around the image. It can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zig zag, curvy, etc. Can be obvious lines or implied lines.
shape Shapes are 2-Dimensional and have length and width. Shape tells us what is in the photo and is used to create a sense of space. Shape can be GEOMETRIC (human-made) ex. square, triangle, circle, etc. or ORGANIC (natural) ex. leaves, humans, puddles, etc.
texture Texture expresses how an object feels: soft, rough, smooth, prickly, bumpy, sharp… It adds interest and drama to an image.
motion Motion is how movement is represented in a photo. Motion can be blurred or frozen and each has different impact and meaning.
light Light is about the tones of an image from white through greys to black. Light in a photo influences the mood of the photo and can add drama and impact.
perspective Perspective means “point of view,” or where you stand in relation to the subject you are photographing. It is the one element that is almost entirely in your control.
how you use the elements of design to create exciting images
balance Balance is about designing your image so no single part overpowers or seems “visually heavier than any other part. Balance gives a feeling of visual equality.
emphasis Emphasis is about creating a focal point to attract the viewer’s attention and encourage further looking. Rule of thirds can be used to create emphasis as well as short depth of field.
contrast Contrast is the creation of visual interest through change and variety in tone, texture, size and shape.
scale Scale is about the difference in size between different objects in a photo. It creates drama and interest in photos.
Movement Movement is about encouraging the viewer’s eye to move around the photo, so that they will explore and get involved in the image.
unity Unity refers to a harmony that exists among the element of design. It refers to repetition and shaping your image into a coherent, harmonious design.