Math Milestones Information Constructed Response Understanding Constructed Response Questions
Mathematics will require demonstration of conceptual understanding of concepts, procedural skills, fluency, problem solving, modeling, and mathematical reasoning.
How much time will students have to take the Math Milestones assessment? The test will be given in two sections. Section 1 is divided into two parts. Students will have up to 85 minutes per section to complete sections 1 and 2. The total estimated testing time ranges from approximately 120 to 170 minutes.
Extended Constructed Response Georgia Milestones Selected Response Constructed Response Extended Constructed Response Require more elaborate answers and explanations of reasoning. They allow for multiple correct answers and/or varying methods of arriving at the correct answer 4-pt rubric Multiple Choice Require the student to generate a response as opposed to selecting a response 2-pt rubric
Why do you think students do so poorly on constructed response questions? Give time to discuss and share out Say - Thinking about the example questions we looked at, are constructed response questions the only ones that ask students to reason/think? Many of the multiple choice questions in Science, math, and social studies ask them to not only regurgitate memorized fact, but more emphasis is on applying knowledge and reasoning. Data analysis required in many areas. Discuss with a partner . . .
CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ITEMs 3rd Grade 3rd example Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education Constructed Response 3rd example Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education Student response #3 Score 0 3rd example Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education Student response #2 Score 1 3rd example Georgia Department of Education
Student response #1 Score 2 3rd example
Extended Constructed Response
Strategies We Use in Class!
Resources Georgia Milestone Study Resource Guide for Students and Parents- .org&exsvurl=1&ll- cc=1033&modurl=0&path=/attachmentlightbox Georgia Milestone English Language Arts and Mathematics Item and Scoring Sampler 2015- 89/49734/EOG_Grade_3_Item_and_Scoring_Sampler.pdf Georgia Milestone Assessment Guide- Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Milestones/Assessm ent%20Guides/GM_GR03_Assessment%20Guide_11.16.1 6.pdf We are working hard and practicing in class! As long as your student focuses, pays attention, and does their work to the best of their ability, they will be successful and confident!