Want a #metoo? Rachel Collinson – The Donor Whisperer
About me Former lecturer at Hypermedia Research Centre, University of Westminster Ran Rechord, a web agency working with nonprofits, for 13 years Now consulting; clients include Greenpeace, Which?, Save the Children, Mind, Alzheimer’s Society, Living Streets
About you What’s a recent viral phenomenon you wish your charity had benefitted from? (Please tell us your name and organisation first when you answer.)
TEMPLATE #1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt eget nisi eget vestibulum. Maecenas pellentesque non metus eget mattis. Donec aliquam, arcu in viverra sagittis.
#metoo #metoo was created by Tarana Burke in 2006 on Myspace (remember that?! Or not?)
The campaign was given new life by actor Alyssa Milano of Charmed, 11 years later.
“We tried this before and it didn’t work…” Laura Bates and the Everyday Sexism Project in 2012, 60,000 stories but nowhere near as much media coverage
ALS didn’t invent the ice bucket challenge!
Actually started in a faith community to raise money for sanitation in developing nations. Bucket became a key part due to health and safety concerns with people jumping into active harbours and such or getting struck by lightning (!?)
2014 timeline 60,000 hashtag uses 24 Hour Cold Water challenge, March #chillin4charity, June Pro golfers, June – July Pete Frates July 31 60,000 hashtag uses August 11 Obama nominated August 12 Pete Frates – Boston Red Sox 2014 timeline
Bill Gross on startup success The number one thing was timing. Timing accounted for 42 percent of the difference between success and failure. Team and execution came in second, and the idea, the differentiability of the idea, the uniqueness of the idea, that actually came in third.
Sorry folks, the biggest thing is out of your control Sorry folks, the biggest thing is out of your control. But what IS in your control so that you can take advantage when the moment comes along?
6 tests you must pass to be ready for your moment. Are you ready? 6 tests you must pass to be ready for your moment.
1. Message I have a clear story to tell, and I know which messaging works with my target audiences
My team know how to measure their success 2. Measuring My team know how to measure their success
What you measure matters Not measuring at all
3. Monitoring I know the conversion rate on my forms and have been able to increase it via optimisation
My team are allowed to flex our priorities. 4. Management culture My team are allowed to flex our priorities.
Agile (Scrum) project management 4. Management culture Agile (Scrum) project management
5. Mean machine We have a software platform like Engaging Networks and at least one person knows how to use it effectively.
4. Management culture 2 hours
I have a stewardship program set up. 6. Maintenance I have a stewardship program set up.
What if I do all this and my moment never comes? But… What if I do all this and my moment never comes?
Wednesday 7 March 2018
Marketing automation
What automation types are there?
General (automation profile) What automation is appropriate? Example task Example automation Email sign-up form New to First Action Acquisition campaign New to Donor Reactivation General (automation profile) Event sign-ups Birthday Birthday message Recurring card donor Card Expiry Reactivation – were a donor but having given money for a year Reactivation – not responded to emails
@donor_whisperer www.donorwhisperer.co.uk Let’s chat @donor_whisperer www.donorwhisperer.co.uk