Crazy chimps By Maddox Shook May, 7, 2018
What is a chimpanzee? A chimp has thick black fur around most of its body. Chimps live in mountain forests and sometimes sleep in caves.
WHAT DO CHIMPS LOOK LIKE? They can weigh 90 to 120 pounds! Chimps are mammals just like humans. They have a white patch near their rump.
WHERE DOES A CHIMP LIVE? Chimps live in west and central Africa. The pygmy chimps usually live in swamps in central Zaire. Chimps live in groups with 6 chimps
WHAT IS A CHIMPS BEHAVIOR LIKE? Chimps love to show off. They are active and noisy. They can annoy each other.
WHAT IS A BABY CHIMP LIKE? Baby chimps weigh about four pounds. Baby chimps are completely dependent on their mothers.
CHIMP FACTS The chimps scientific name is pan. Chimpanzees are omnivores, so they eat bugs and plants.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Stone, Lynn. Chimpanzees. Nero beach Florida: Rourke Corparation.Inc,1990. Print.