Membership Management Highlights MAPS Contributions Data Review Re-engagement conversations with HealthPartners Initiating communications with Hennepin Health Conversations with new partners (e.g. vendor partners and specialty)
2.2: Stratis Health and MAPS Success Measures Implementation Plan July 2018 Update
2.3: National Steering Committee for Patient Safety National Action Plan for the Prevention of Healthcare Harm
Partnership for Patients The Partnership for Patients is focused on making hospital care safer, more reliable, and less costly through the achievement of two goals: Making Care Safer. Preventing hospital-acquired conditions. A 20% reduction in all-cause patient harm (from 2014 baseline). Improving Care Transitions. Preventing complications during a transition from one care setting to another would be decreased so that all hospital readmissions would be reduced. 12% reduction in 30-day readmissions as a population-based measure (readmissions per 1,000 people).
Content last reviewed June 2018
Content last reviewed June 2018
National Action Plan for the Prevention of Health Care Harm The National Steering Committee for Patient Safety is charged with creating a “National Action Plan for the Prevention of Health Care Harm” and to continue the quest to eliminate patient harm and affirm safety as a national priority. Two meetings held this year
National Action Plan for the Prevention of Health Care Harm This new effort stems from a 2017 Call to Action issued by the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF), which merged with IHI last year to combine the strengths of the two organizations around patient safety. The Call to Action frames harm from health care as an issue that affects all of society and demands a coordinated response by the health care and public health sectors.
National Steering Committee for Patient Safety Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. American Association of Retired Persons. American Board of Medical Specialties. American College of Healthcare Executives. American College of Physicians. American College of Surgeons. American Hospital Association. American Nurses Association. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patient Safety. DNV GL - Healthcare. ECRI Institute. Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the IHI/NPSF Lucian Leape Institute. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. The Joint Commission. Mothers Against Medical Error. National Association for Healthcare Quality. National Quality Forum. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Project Patient Care. Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. US Food and Drug Administration. VA National Center for Patient Safety, Veterans Health Administration.
Goals of the National Action Plan The National Steering Committee is charged with developing a national action plan that will: Define essential priorities for action; Establish coordinated strategies for addressing areas that are at the foundation of patient safety (such as organizational culture, leadership, measurement, and patient and family engagement); Identify opportunities to collaboratively advance those strategies.
Theme from first meeting… “We are reaching the limits of what can be achieved by the familiar project-by-project or problem-by-problem approach to improving care. Instead of addressing these issues one by one, the time has come to step forward on initiatives that are wider in scope, better coordinated, and more intentionally collaborative.”
Four Essential Areas Identified maintaining patient safety culture; advancing learning health systems; increasing patient and family engagement; addressing factors that compromise clinicians’ physical and emotional wellbeing. Subcommittees “identified” in next 2-4 weeks
3: Consent Calendar 3.1 Minutes from April Board meeting 3.2 June 2018 Financials 3.3 Conflict of Interest Statements