What is a Pharmacist? Fill prescriptions, verifying instructions from doctors. Check whether prescriptions will interact negatively with other drugs that a patient is taking Instruct patients on how and when to take a prescribed medicine and inform them about potential side effects.
How do I become a Pharmacist? Must have a Bachelor’s degree (4 year degree) with courses in Science and Mathematics. Must complete Doctorate degree (4 additional years).
How much does a Pharmacist make? The average yearly salary for a Pharmacologist is $91,407 to $125,000 per year.
Doctors use acronyms or shorthand to write the prescription. A prescription is an instruction from a prescriber (Doctor) to a dispenser.(pharmacist) Doctors use acronyms or shorthand to write the prescription. The pharmacist translates the prescription to information the patient can understand. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Common Acronyms on prescriptions p-after pt- patient bid- every 2 hours tid- three times a day PO- by mouth w/a- while awake pm- afternoon qty-quantity q- every sig-directions a.m. – in the morning PRN- as needed a-before tab-tablet c- with s- without pc- after meals ac- before meals
Write a prescription as a doctor using at least three acronyms. Hillside Clinic 1825 Nevada Street SLC, Utah 84104 _______________________________________________________ Patient’s Name: Dwayne Johnson Date: August 12, 2017 Rx: Take tabs tid ac (take tablets three times a day before meals MD Signature Kimberly Platt Don’t forget to sign!
Dosage instructions are written on the doctor's prescription or hospital chart, and on the pharmacy label of a prescribed medicine. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Practice 1. The recommended dose for meperidine is 6 mg/kg/day for pain. A child weighing 88 pounds (40kg) can receive the medication q4h (every 4 hours). a. How many mg can the child receive per day? ______________ 6x40=240 b. How many mg can the child receive per dose? (hint: Divide 24 hours by 4 hours to find the total number of doses per day) ______________ 24/4=6 240/6=40 c. How many pills for a 10 day supply? 10 X 6=60
Question #2 The recommended dose for sulfasalazine, an antibiotic, is 30 mg/kg/day. An individual weighing 110 pounds (50kg) is to take the medication tid. a. How many mg can the individual receive per day? __________ 30 X 50=1500 b. How many mg can the individual receive per dose? (hint: remember the medication is tid) Tid means three times a day 1500/3=500 c. How many pills for a 10 day supply? 10 x 3=30
Question #3 A child weighing 44 pounds(20kg) is to receive cefadroxil for a urinary tract infection q12h (every 12 hours). The recommended dose is 30 mg/kg/day. a. How many mg can the child receive per day? __________ 30 X 20=600 b. How many mg can the child receive per dose? __________ Every 12 hours is two times a day 600 / 2=300 c. How many pills for a 10 day supply? 2 X10=20
Fill in the prescription label below using the information from question 2. CCA Pharmacy 801-585-8888 25000 S State SLC, UT 84115 Rx: 125486 Date: 00/00/00 Dr: Your name Phone: (801)481-4828 Pt.: A. Child Directions: Take tablet 3 times a day by mouth for 10 days. Medication: Sulfasalazine Qty: 30
Filling Prescriptions Pharmacists count the number of pills in each prescription using a counting tray and spatula. You will have a chance to experience this with m & m’s. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA