SESSION 5.4 Consequences for scientific data collection/management as a result of recent WCPFC decisions Sixth Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-6) 23-27 April 2012 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia
Outline Recap of 2008/2009 decisions relating to scientific data CMM 2008-01 CMM 2009-02 CMM 2009-06 CMM 2009-08 CMM 2009-10 Review of 2010 decisions relating to scientific data CMM 2010-01 CMM 2010-04 CMM 2010-05 (replaces CMM 2005-02) CMM 2010-07 “Scientific data to be provided to the Commission” Compliance Monitoring Reports (as per slide)
Recap on 2008/2009 WCPFC decisions that have some consequences to data collection/management CMM 2008-01 Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean CMM 2009-02 Conservation and Management Measure on the Application of High Seas FAD Closures and Catch Retention CMM 2009-06 Conservation and Management Measure on Regulation of Transhipment CMM 2009-08 Charter Notification Scheme CMM 2009-10 Conservation and Management Measure to Monitor Landings of Purse Seiners at Ports so as to Ensure Reliable Catch Data by Species (as per slide)
CMM 2008-01 Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean The objectives of this measure are to ... “ ...Ensure through the implementation of compatible measures ... that bigeye and yellowfin tuna stocks are maintained at levels capable of producing their maximum sustainable yield .... commencing in 2009, a minimum of 30% reduction in bigeye tuna fishing mortality from the annual average during the period 2001-2004 or 2004 ...” Draft Decisions at WCFPC8 were made to extend CMM 2008-01 into 2013 (CMM 2011-01?) , with some minor modifications/exemptions Significant increase in observer data collection ... 100% coverage in the purse seine fishery (from 2010) Observer Spill sampling : an important initiative to obtain reliable purse-seine bigeye catch estimates (related to CMM 2008-01) DATA PROVISION : reference to “Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission” (Para. 40) PORT CONTROLS : Monitoring shall be conducted at landing and transshipping ports to assess the amount of catch by species (Para. 43) (as per slide)
CMM 2009-02 Conservation and Management Measure on the Application of High Seas FAD Closures and Catch Retention The objectives of this Measure are: to ensure consistent and robust application of FAD closures and catch retention in the high seas between 20°S and 20°N through the specification of minimum standards. to apply high standards to the application of the FAD closure and catch retention in order to remove any possibility for the targeting of aggregated fish, or the discard of small fish. Monitoring / Data Collection ...Fish shall not be discarded from the vessel until after an observer has estimated the species composition of the fish to be discarded... ...The operator of the vessel shall submit to the Executive Director a report [of relevant discard data] within forty-eight 48 hours after any discard ... ....The operator of the vessel shall also provide a hard copy of the information described [above] to the WCPFC Observer on board... (as per slide) Information received by WCPFC Secretariat; not used for science at this stage. The regional standard forms already cater for the required observer data collection …
More information covered in Agenda Item 5.5 CMM 2009-06 Conservation and Management Measure on Regulation of Transhipment The objective of this measure is, inter alia, establish procedures to obtain and verify data on the quantity and species transhipped in the Convention Area to ensure accurate reporting of catches, and enhance stock assessments of highly migratory fish stocks.... Para. 10. A WCPFC Transhipment Declaration, including the information set out in Annex I shall be completed by both the offloading and receiving vessel for each transhipment in the Convention Area, and each transhipment of catch taken in the Convention Area .... Para 11. CCMs shall report on all transhipment activities covered by this Measure (including transhipment activities that occur in ports or EEZs) as part of their Annual Report in accordance with the guidelines at Annex II... Annexes provide the detail of what data needs to be provided ... Also, mention of the requirement for observer verification in this context... (as per slide) Regional SPC/FFA forms cater for the requirements of this CMM, but WCPFC has also suggested a form which are regularly provided to WCPFC Sec. Needs more work … More information covered in Agenda Item 5.5
CMM 2009-08 Charter Notification This CMM stipulates a set of procedures for charter vessel notification ... With respect to data, future work will look at, inter alia, ... the development of a broader framework .... this work shall cover the issues of attribution of catch and effort by chartered vessels ... ...essentially providing guidelines for changing the nationality attributed to the catch and effort data in regional and national databases ... At this stage, there are no requirements for changes to data collection for this CMM, but countries will need to include the foreign-charter vessels in their “national fleet” in TUFMAN. Your country should consider notification of charter arrangements according to the guidelines in this CMM, if they exist. Unless the WCPFC Secretariat has been notified of charter arrangements, the catch attribution to chartered vessels will not be undertaken. (as per slide)
CMM 2009-08 Charter Notification (as per slide)
CMM 2009-10 Conservation and Management Measure to Monitor Landings of Purse Seiners at Ports so as to Ensure Reliable Catch Data by Species This CMM’s objectives are primarily related to improving information on the purse-seine catch of bigeye which is related to CMM 2008-01 ... .. at this stage, the directive is specific and related to monitoring of the Thai canneries ... “The Commission and the CCMs concerned shall work together to establish in 2010 an arrangement with a Non-CCM to enable collection of species and size composition data from canneries in the Non-CCM regarding purse seine catch in the Convention area. The progress shall be reported to the Commission.” However, there may be a new protocol for this type data collection to be established in the future ... No new requirements for data collection at this stage... (as per slide)
Review of 2010 decisions that have some consequences to data collection/management CMM 2010-01 Conservation and Management Measure for North Pacific Striped Marlin CMM 2010-04 Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna CMM 2010-05 Conservation and Management Measure for South Pacific Albacore CMM 2010-07 Conservation and Management for Sharks (as per slide)
CMM 2010-01 Conservation and Management Measure for North Pacific Striped Marlin “This Measure shall apply in high seas and EEZs within the convention area north of the equator.” “By 30 April 2011, each flag/chartering CCM shall report to the Commission verifiable information regarding its catch of North Pacific Striped Marlin by its flagged/chartered vessels north of the equator.” Only very rare catches from SPC/FFA member countries SPC/FFA member obligations … Usually provided as Annual catch estimates for the WCPFC Area north of the equator Usually included in Logsheet data … (as per slide)
CMM 2010-04 Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna “CCMs shall also take measures necessary to strengthen data collecting system for Pacific bluefin tuna fisheries in order to improve the data quality and timeliness of all the data reporting;.” Only very rare catches from SPC/FFA member countries SPC/FFA member obligations … Usually provided as Annual catch estimates for the WCPFC Area north of the equator Usually included in Logsheet data … (as per slide)
CMM 2010-05 Conservation and Management Measure for South Pacific Albacore Replaces CMM 2005-02 … “CCMs shall report annually to the Commission the catch levels of their fishing vessels that have taken South Pacific Albacore as a bycatch as well as the number and catch levels of vessels actively fishing for South Pacific albacore in the Convention area south of 20o S. Initially this information will be provided for the period 2006-2010 and then updated annually.;.” SPC/FFA member obligations … Albacore catch estimates for the WCPFC Area south of the equator, regardless of being a target or a bycatch… .. but albacore catch report for this CMM is for SOUTH of 20°S – inconsistent with Annual catch estimates … most PICTs do not fish SOUTH of 20°S … In any event, can be obtained from Logsheet data … (as per slide)
CMM 2010-07 Conservation and Management for Sharks Replaces CMM 2009-04 ...Each CCM shall include key shark species2 in their annual reporting to the Commission of annual catch and fishing effort statistics by gear type, including available historical data, in accordance with the WCPF Convention and agreed reporting procedures. CCMs shall also report annual retained and discarded catches in Part 2 of their annual report.... The key shark species are blue shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark, mako sharks, thresher sharks, porbeagle (south of 20°S) and hammerhead sharks (winghead, scalloped, great and smooth). Consequences New regional standard longline logsheet to better cater for the reporting of shark at the species level... Reliance on observer data for shark species catch estimation ...Also, monitoring of shark fins ratio to total shark weight by observers is mentioned in this CMM, but the data collection mechanism is yet to be established ... Countries should consider implementing the new regional longline logsheet … (as per slide)
CMM 2010-07 Conservation and Management for Sharks New regional standard longline logsheet to support recording shark catch by species (as per slide)
AHTG-Data Group proposed amendment to “Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission” Revised after decisions at the Seventh Regular Session of the WCPFC (WCPFC7 – December 2010) and in line with CMM 2010-07 … “The following estimates of catches during each calendar year shall be provided to the Commission for each gear type: … [catches of] blue shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark, mako sharks, thresher sharks, porbeagle shark (south of 20°S…) and hammerhead sharks (winghead, scalloped, great, and smooth). …” Also a requirement to include catches of these shark species in the OPERATIONAL and AGGREGATE Catch/Effort data provisions… As such, Countries should consider implementing the new regional longline logsheet … (as per slide)
WCPFC Science Data Holdings COMPLIANCE MONITORING OF DATA WCPFC Regular Session December Scientific data provision 30th April Scientific Committee (SC) – Data Gaps August CMM 2010-05 30th April CMM 2010-05 30th April CMM 2010-05 30th April CMM 2010-05 30th April CMM 2010-05 Quarterly basis Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) October CMM Data Reporting Various reporting deadlines WCPFC Science Data Holdings CCM Compliance Monitoring Report (as per slide) WCPFC Annual Report – Part 1 One month before SC WCPFC Annual Report – Part 2 One month before TCC WCFPC Secretariat and Compliance Monitoring Sub Committee
DISCUSSION Do you have charter vessels but have yet to formally notify the WCPFC ? Have you implemented or intend to implement the new “Expanded” Longline Logsheet to better report shark species catches ? Review of Scientific data and CMM data reporting compliance - Do you have problems ? Transhippment data collection ? To be reviewed in Agenda Item 5.5 Status of implementing Spill Sampling (to be reviewed in Agenda Item 7.1) (as per slide)