Iraq Assessment Working Group Rapid Needs Assessment Simulation Exercise Session 5 3 January 2017
Purpose The mini-simulation exercise allows you to: Familiarise yourself with the tool Practice choosing different key informants and CGDs Practice the debriefing, synthesizing 3 forms into 1 Identify and trouble-shoot problems in the debrief process Discuss mitigation tactics for debrief complications
Instructions Everyone will receive a scenario and a role in Arabic. There will be three groups: FSC Group WASH Group Child Protection Group In each group, we will have the following roles: Assessment Managers/Team Leaders Enumerators / Data Collectors Key Informants Community representatives You will have 5 minutes to read the materials and assign roles and responsibilities. Identify who are Assessment Managers or Team Leaders in the room Pick three and ask them to sit in opposite corners of the room Allocate FSC, WASH, CP to each of them Select 9-12 Assuming there between 27 to 35 people the following breakdown of roles should happen: WASH FOOD CHILD PROTECTION
1. Familiarization with scenario Following a meeting with the Humanitarian Coordinator and the Humanitarian Country Team, OCHA and UNICEF share with you the following update on the situation on the ground. Provide a copy of the scenarios in Arabic (or English) to all participants. Arabic speaker reads the scenario out loud, while participants follow the information on their respective copies.
2. Form assessment teams Are there assessment managers or assessment team leaders in the room? Has anyone interviewed communities before? Has anyone selected/interviewed Key Informants before? Identify 3 assessment managers for the three groups - FSC, WASH and CP Give each assessment managers four copies of blank forms of their respective sector – FSC, WASH, CP and ask them to sit in opposite corners of the room. Identify 12 members of communities. Ask them to join one of the assessment managers. Make sure there are 4 community members per assessment manager. Identify 3 (up to 6 if group is big) key informants. Ask them to join one of the groups. Make sure that each group has at least one KI. Rest are enumerators. Ask them to join one of the formed groups. Make sure there are 3 ( or 4 , if there is an extra KI above) enumerators per assessment manager. Each facilitator joins one group (e.g Adam-FSC; Oladipo – WASH; Alex - CP) and provides participants the roles and responsibilities.
3. Assess Each group has community members (CGDs), Key Informants (KIs), enumerators (E) and assessment managers/team leaders (AM). Form assessment teams, set up the interviews as needed and at the end of the data collection stage revert with minimum 3 completed forms (min. 1 KI, 2 CGDs) Each key informant may only be interviewed once. Write down the identity of the KI and CGD members you interview on your form. Identify 3 assessment managers for the three groups - FSC, WASH and CP Give each assessment managers four copies of blank forms of their respective sector – FSC, WASH, CP and ask them to sit in opposite corners of the room. Identify 12 members of communities. Ask them to join one of the assessment managers. Make sure there are 4 community members per assessment manager. Identify 3 (up to 6 if group is big) key informants. Ask them to join one of the groups. Make sure that each group has at least one KI. Rest are enumerators. Ask them to join one of the formed groups. Make sure there are 3 ( or 4 , if there is an extra KI above) enumerators per assessment manager. Each facilitator joins one group (e.g Adam-FSC; Oladipo – WASH; Alex - CP) and provides participants the roles and responsibilities. Note that each group has community members, Key Informants, enumerators and assessment team leaders. Pair up as needed and at the end of the exercise revert with: Clarify that during the debrief, the KIs and CGD members (who provided info in the field) should be silent observers. Minimum 3 completed forms (one KI, 2 CGDs) One consolidated master form ready for submission to the KoboServer.
4. Debrief and Submit Form Following the data collection, proceed for debrief and revert with one consolidated master form ready for submission to the KoboServer. During the debrief (AM and E), discuss the answers you have on the three forms and decide which would you use on a final RNA form and why. AM marks the FINAL ANSWER on the blank form s/he received. Note: Participant who had KI and CGD roles can join the debrief as silent observers. Identify 3 assessment managers for the three groups - FSC, WASH and CP Give each assessment managers four copies of blank forms of their respective sector – FSC, WASH, CP and ask them to sit in opposite corners of the room. Identify 12 members of communities. Ask them to join one of the assessment managers. Make sure there are 4 community members per assessment manager. Identify 3 (up to 6 if group is big) key informants. Ask them to join one of the groups. Make sure that each group has at least one KI. Rest are enumerators. Ask them to join one of the formed groups. Make sure there are 3 ( or 4 , if there is an extra KI above) enumerators per assessment manager. Each facilitator joins one group (e.g Adam-FSC; Oladipo – WASH; Alex - CP) and provides participants the roles and responsibilities. Note that each group has community members, Key Informants, enumerators and assessment team leaders. Pair up as needed and at the end of the exercise revert with: Clarify that during the debrief, the KIs and CGD members (who provided info in the field) should be silent observers. Minimum 3 completed forms (one KI, 2 CGDs) One consolidated master form ready for submission to the KoboServer.
Time management Use the time wisely. The security situation allows staff to be on the ground only: 10 minutes for data collection 10 minutes for debrief and form consolidation 30 minutes group report back and plenary discussions
Group reporting and plenary Were the answer different from each other on the three forms? What answers did groups pick? Why were they chosen? What things do we need to be weary of when we do the debrief? What do we need to consider when we select an answer? What can we do if we are not sure of an answer? Did you have time to do Direct Observation or collect additional data? Aim is for groups to think about which KIs are most useful for which questions and to think about what is important to consider when choosing a final answer in the debrief. Eg. role of the KI, their knowledge, role of other in CGDs and their knowledge, direct observation, length of time in positions, how position links to the question. Remind participants about topping up data, calling further KIs if they feel the answer is not good quality.
The End