Operant Conditioning operant conditioning Conditioning (learning) that is a result of a voluntary action and the consequences (positive or negative)that follow. Classical Conditioning revolves around an automatic response being linked to a neutral stimuli. Operant Conditioning is a result of the choices of the subject and they are acting voluntarily operant conditioning
Thorndike’s Law of Effect Behaviors with favorable consequences are more likely to occur again than behaviors with undesired consequences.
B.F. Skinner Did most of his experiments between ‘25-70’s Concentrated on learned behavior Was an early Behaviorist Invented the “Skinner Box” Skinner's Work ping pong
Operant Conditioning Vocab. part 1 Reinforcement- action or situation that follows a behavior with the intent to strengthen that behavior and its repetition Primary Reinforcer- item necessary for survival used as a reward-creates strongest incentive to learn (food, water etc.) Secondary Reinforcer- not necessary for survival– but represents a primary (money to buy necessities, praise) Chocolate was a primary reinforcer for Penny Physical Intimacy was a primary reinforcer for Leo
Operant Conditioning Vocab cont. Positive Reinforcement- positive action or reward that follows a desired behavior in order to strengthen the likelihood of that behavior Negative Reinforcement- negative action or unpleasant consequence that is stopped when the desired behavior happens- intended to strengthen likelihood of behavior Punishment- negative consequence that follows an undesired behavior in order to weaken the likelihood of that behavior Positive = chocolate Negative = nail screeching on chalkboard Punishment = confiscation of cell phone What is the difference, Sheldon?
Shaping and Chaining Shaping -Eliciting a certain behavior by reinforcing the similar behavior in incremental steps until desired behavior is met (student demo, animal tricks) Chaining is similar but student learns a series of steps individually, then links them together (dance steps)
Reinforcement Schedules Continuous Reinforcement-each and every time behavior occurs-it is reinforced (weakest of all) Partial Reinforcment- reward is provided sporadically or randomly according to different criteria= 4 types Variable Ratio – specific & variable # of actions -strongest pattern to break Fixed Ratio – specific & predictable # of actions – usually results in faster speeds Variable Intervals – varied amounts of time & acts subjects persist, but not concerned about speed Fixed Intervals- reward is given at a predictable time- subjects persist but usually only when time limit is close Iggy and Schedules of Re-inforcement
Classical vs Operant Conditioning