Unit 8: Learning Day 7: Bandura & Observational Learning DAILY COMMENTARY (in a spiral notebook!): How does what people watch on TV affect their behavior? Essential Question How do humans learn, and what factors influence the learning process? Objectives (write this down!): I can: explain theories of social learning
Unit 8: Learning Day 7: Bandura & Observational Learning DAILY COMMENTARY (in a spiral notebook!): At Moe’s Southwest Grill, employees are taught to shout “Welcome to Moe’s” every time they see a new customer enter. Every time the door of the restaurant opens, a chime goes off. Joe, who has been working there a week, just noticed that he shouted “welcome to Moe’s” as a customer left the restaurant . Based on your unsderstanding of classical conditioning, Identify the CS, US, and CR in this scenario. Essential Question How do humans learn, and what factors influence the learning process? Objectives (write this down!): I can: explain theories of social learning
Unit 8: Learning Day 7: Bandura & Observational Learning For Tonight: EXAM WEDNESDAY Packet’s still due for my review today Myers 321-326, RJ 6.6 Myers 333-340; RJ 6.7 TOMORROW: FRQ on Learning Today: DC Watson’s Little Albert Experiment Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment Project Work time Extra Credit: Take a Position: Censorship of cartoon violence
Applications of Operant Conditioning Reinforcers affect productivity. Many companies now allow employees to share profits and participate in company ownership. At work
Applications of Operant Conditioning In children, reinforcing good behavior increases the occurrence of these behaviors. Ignoring unwanted behavior decreases their occurrence.
Operant vs. Classical Conditioning OBJECTIVE 20| Identify the major similarities and differences between classical and operant conditioning.
Learning by Observation Higher animals, especially humans, learn through observing and imitating others. The monkey on the right imitates the monkey on the left in touching the pictures in a certain order to obtain a reward. © Herb Terrace OBJECTIVE 21| Describe the process of observational learning, and explain the importance of the discovery of mirror neurons. ©Herb Terrace
Mirror Neurons Neuroscientists discovered mirror neurons in the brains of animals and humans that are active during observational learning. Reprinted with permission from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Subiaul et al., Science 305: 407-410 (2004) © 2004 AAAS.
Imitation Onset Learning by observation begins early in life. This 14-month-old child imitates the adult on TV in pulling a toy apart. Child Development, 59 1221-1229. Photos Courtesy of A.N. Meltzoff and M. Hanuk. Meltzoff, A.N. (1998). Imitation of televised models by infants.
Bandura's Experiments Bandura's Bobo doll study (1961) indicated that individuals (children) learn through imitating others who receive rewards and punishments. OBJECTIVE 22| Describe Bandura's findings on what determines whether we will imitate a model. Courtesy of Albert Bandura, Stanford University
Applications of Observational Learning Unfortunately, Bandura’s studies show that antisocial models (family, neighborhood or TV) may have antisocial effects.
Positive Observational Learning Fortunately, prosocial (positive, helpful) models may have prosocial effects. OBJECTIVE 23| Discuss the impact of prosocial modeling. Bob Daemmrich/ The Image Works
Modeling Violence Research shows that viewing media violence leads to an increased expression of aggression. Bob Daemmrich/ The Image Works Glassman/ The Image Works Children modeling after pro wrestlers
Unit Encyclopedia Project
Work on Encyclopedia Research Classical Conditioning DeSean Chasen Emmanuel Gimere Jamel Montrel LaShannen Operant Conditioning Brittany Demishia Destiny Alex Noor Aaron Briana Observational Learning Breana Kiara Jovell Lewis Christina Shamiya
Research Options PsychSim5 Web based research Module on Operant Conditioning Module on Classical Conditioning Module: “Monkey See, Monkey Do” Web based research
Extra Credit: Newspaper Editorial Suppose a local parents organization is running a campaign to censor certain television shows because of violent content. Write an opinion piece explaining from a psychological perspective why you either support or oppose the proposed law.