Response (Action) Unconditioned Stimulus Conditioned Stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned response
4.2 Operant Conditioning 11/15/13
Objectives SWBAT describe the basic principles of Operant Conditioning SWBAT explain the differences between Operant and Classical Conditioning SWBAT explain the different schedules of reinforcement
Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning- conditioning (learning) that results from the individual’s actions and consequences they cause
Classical Conditioning Classical vs. Operant Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Learning takes place without any choice Ex. Someone shoving gross food in your mouth Learning takes place as a result of your own actions Ex. Trying out different foods to find the one you like
Reinforcement Reinforcement- something that follows a response and strengthens the tendency to repeat that action. Can be positive or negative.
Primary Reinforcement Something necessary for survival that is used as a reward.
Secondary Reinforcement Anything that comes to represent a primary reinforcer, such as money. In other words, we make ourselves think we cannot live without money as a reward
Shaping Shaping- The Process of gradually refining a response by reinforcing closer attempts at it. Ex. Learning a dance
Variable Ratio Variable Ratio- reinforcement occurs after a desired act is performed a specific but differing number times Ex. Slot Machines/Gambling
Fixed Ratio Fixed Ratio- reinforcement after a desired act is performed a set amount of times Ex. Perfect attendence
Variable Interval Variable Interval- Reinforcement given after a non-specific amount of time Ex. Having the winning lottery ticket
Fixed Interval Fixed Interval- reinforcement given after a set amount of time. Ex. Weekly Paycheck
Vocabulary Words Stimulus Generalization- Response occurs to stimuli that are similar to the stimuli Extinction- Occurs if behavior response is no longer enforced. Spontaneous Recovery- eventually the CS will reappear after extinction
Exit Slip Describe the difference between Operant and Classical Conditioning. Give an example of Negative Reinforcement What is Shaping?