How big is my Screen? Pythagoras’ Theorem made real by connecting the size of television screens to the hypotenuse of a RAT.
Objectives To investigate patterns in numbers To know how to find the size of a mobile phone screen Find the sizes of different screens using Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Activation Match the cards with the other that is exactly the same In your pairs decide what these numbers are called and suggest what keywords could you think of Look for a connection between them. Here learners are given cards with for example 3 squared and they seek out the matching answers. Done with Tarsia domino software. This was from 1 – 10 ( higher for better groups). Learners will then seek connections between the square numbers hence Pythagorean triples. Better as a group activity. Introduce history of Pythagorean triples.
Pythagorean Triples Are whole numbers Eg 3, 4 and 5 are a PT since 9 + 16 = 25 Can you find any others? For homework see if you can find others. Following on from previous slides. Set homework to find others that are coprime, could be a challenge to class.
How big is my screen? What measurement on the television is used? Right angled Triangle Hypotenuse Relate a fictitioous story of TV shopping and finding it difficuult to understand why TVs with same saze have different shape. Query what measurement is the 50 ins in a 50 inch TV. Link to a right angle and hence keyword hypotenuse = diagonal of rectangle etc.
Where is the hypotenuse? Simple activity to locate hypotenuse. Print this screen for class to work on. This is a vital skill in doing Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Pythagoras’ Theorem a2 + b2 = c2 Hypotenuse c a b Here you can share formula and connect c to hypotenuse; b a2 + b2 = c2
How big is my Ipad? 7 inches 6 inches Use Pythagoras Theorem to find Ipad screen size. Model working out and emphasizing the square root function. 6 inches
How big are the screens 14 inches wide 48 inches long 2 inches long Some practise questions. Print this screen for learners to use. 14 inches wide 48 inches long 2 inches long 2.5 inches wide
What have we learnt today? Recap keywords, hypotenuse, diagonal; reset HW on finding triples, explanations on how to do it, could even provide a wrong answer for them to correct.