Magic tree house; Eve of the emperor Penguin By: Kensley, Sara, Caroline, and Wyatt
main characters Annie: is a sweet girl who has a twin brother named Jack Jack: he has a sister named Annie Merlin: was a man who couldn't find happiness Penny: Was a baby penguin, an orphan, given to Merlin to make him happy. Nancy: a tour guide of scientists that are exploring the volcano. Morgan: she was the magical wizard who lent the tree house to Jack and Annie
settings They started off in their back yard. Annie saw a blast of light land in the woods. Annie told Jack and they ran to see if the treehouse was back so then they ran and they saw the tree house. They went inside and saw that they had to go to Antarctica to find Merlin's fourth happiness. Then they went to Frog Creek to go show Merlin the fourth happiness and the penguin who was named Penny.
summarize Annie was in the back yard taking picture of Jack for her family project. When they saw a flash of light land in the woods. They ran to the woods to see what it was. When they got there they saw the tree house and Kathleen and Teddy were in there waiting on them. They set off to find the fourth and final happiness. They met Penny the penguin and figures out that Penny was the final happiness for Merlin. They took Penny to Merlin and it made him happy. Merlin kept Penny and took good care of him.
Our opinion!! Our favorite part is when Jack and Annie were in the black hole and the snow fell on top of them. They made a wish that they would get out the black hole and the ice broke and it made them float on another piece of ice and took them to the emperor penguins. We recommend you read this book because its such a great book!
DID this book inspire you? Yes because it inspired us to learn more about penguins. It inspires us to help people find happiness.
We recommend this book!! Yes because it’s a really good book to read. It tells people to help others.