Influences on Weather
EQ: What is air pressure and how does it effect the weather?
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. The amount of water in the air, the temperature of the air and the precipitation are all used to describe the atmosphere.
Air Pressure Air Pressure is the weight of the air. Measured with a barometer in millibars.
So what about Low Air Pressure?? Low pressure- lousy weather Low pressure can occur in ANY season As temperature rises, air becomes less dense creating low pressure Low pressure = stratus clouds Low pressure means the air in the atmosphere is more dense (heavy with water vapor/water droplets)
What does it look like?? Let’s try a hands-on model
What’s the deal with High Air Pressure then? High air pressure means you are Happy High air pressure means the air in the atmosphere is more dense Fair weather Clear Skies
What does it look like?? Let’s try a hands-on model
What does it look like??
More information Great illustration