YZ XZ XY Fig. Supp 1: PSF for BioRad MRC-1024 laser-scanning confocal microscope with 60x oil immersion lens (NA 1.4). The PSF was sampled with a resolution of 0.13 x 0.13 x 0.13 m. The full width at half maximum was 0.31 and 1.05 m in XY and Z-direction, respectively.
YZ XZ XY Fig. Supp 2: PSF for Zeiss LSM confocal microscope with 63x oil immersion lens (NA 1.4). The PSF was sampled with a resolution of 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 m. The full width at half maximum was 0.28 and 0.83 m in XY and Z-direction, respectively.