Thunderbirds of Southwest Ohio Membership Application Membership Fee: $10 annual dues Name: _________________________________ Spouse: _____________________ Address: ________________________ Home Phone: ___________________ City: ________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________ State: ________________________ e-mail address: ________________________ Zip Code: ____________ Signature: __________________________________ Date: _____________ VTCI Membership #: ___________ (if not yet known, please provide when available) Club referred to me by: _____________________________ (This is the name of the club member who first made you aware of the club) T-Bird Description: Year: ______ Model: _____________ Year: ______ Model: _____________ You may give this application and $10 dues (cash or check) to any club officer listed below. If you wish to mail your application and dues, please contact one of the club officers below to obtain a mailing address. Make checks payable to “Thunderbirds of Southwest Ohio”. President: Scott McGaha Vice Pres: Brett Andrews (937) 439-1180 (937) 237-1131 Secretary: Brett Andrews (acting) Treasurer: Lisa Hamm (937) 237-1131 (937) 835-5992 Club meeting are held year round (except December) on the 2nd Thursday of each month. See our club web site ( for the time and location of our meetings. You are encouraged to come early, have a nice meal, and socialize with club members prior to the meeting. Celebrating a Classic… … Reviving a Dream