Connect, Collaborate, Create Workshop room C
Workshop: connect Collective ownership through Google:
Collective Ownership through Google evaluating teaching and learning across several schools using a centrally shared vernacular James Saunders: Vice Principal, TTC. Tendring Challenge Partners Hub Manager. @thecuriousgeek
What’s the quality of teaching and learning like Warm up What’s the quality of teaching and learning like in your school? © columinate 2013
Warm up What would you show me? © columinate 2013
A quick story about a problem What is the quality of teaching and learning? © columinate 2013
Aims of session 1. Demonstrate the simplicity and power of using google tools to support the evaluation of teaching and learning within and across schools. 2. Demonstrate how to design and create a simple google evaluation system. 3. Explore ways a teacher, leader or group of heads can use a teaching and learning evaluation system to support developments in the classroom and target CPD. What will you leave with? You will be provided with a basic template and guidance to enable you to create your own google teaching and learning evaluation system. © columinate 2013
The solution What did we create? The requirements Needs to be developmental and evaluative not judgmental – no grades Reduction in administration time and paperwork – easy and time saving Create helpful and useable data Connect our systems and records Be cheap The solution An online form to capture data on any device – Learning Walks, Book Looks, Student Voice Use the Challenge Partners approach to evaluation – C E Q L A central repository for all T&L evaluations An automated processing and archiving of evaluations and communications Devolve leadership and ownership of system to MLs and teachers – make it anonymous
Focus on Year 7 English, Maths and Science 5 mins Practical task Imagine we are a MAT/Hub and each table is a different school Use any device you have and go to the following link to access a live form Focus on Year 7 English, Maths and Science
Dashboard Static Demo of how we have approached the data using TTC example – see handout
Link to the Dashboard from our practical MAT example Dashboard data Link to the Dashboard from our practical MAT example
How is it created What do you need to do Set up your own Google Apps domain (Free) Plan the criteria you wish to evaluate (it can be time consuming to go back and make major changes) these are the things that you will evaluate using the form Create online Form and Spreadsheet – Use drop down lists where possible to help processing. Tip – set to automatically capture email of user. Create additional columns to process data using formulas – eg: if it is English put the English hods email in the cell (IT could do this, it’s just like excel – tip use arrayformula) © columinate 2013
How is it created Create Merge doc (using google docs) that will process spreadsheet data and create pdf. – see handout. This follows the principles of creating a mail merge doc Create a folder to store merged pdf archives – you can set permissions/share this Connect Add-on “Autocrat” to your spreadsheet and set up with merge doc – here you can identify who to email completed evaluations to Create your dashboard - decide on your dynamic filters, then create a series of sheets that adjust accordingly. You will then calculate totals based on the filtered sheets and use these totals to generate your graphs. Use your data – see handout report to govs extract. © columinate 2013
Table discussion followed by feedback Please discuss on your tables your thoughts and ideas around the use of this system.
Any questions? Here you can find all resources and the example we have worked on today – feel free to copy and use To connect further contact Amy Deamer at James Saunders @thecuriousgeek Any questions? © columinate 2013
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