The Starter Session: The Morning Count Counting and exploring place value
The Morning Count This is an activity that happens every morning and is unconnected to the lesson. Today the day 139 of the school year for these children
The Tricky Tens Numbers How many ones are there? How many tens are there? Consider why the answer to the middle question is the trickiest
139 Unlike the ones and hundreds the number of tens is not verbalised in how we say the number 139 Notice how Bella hesitates before giving the answer of 3 tens, she has to translate the number thirty into 3 tens. This would not be the case in China where the number is verbalised as one hundred, three tens and nine. Consider how this daily activity benefits the children’s learning?
Applying understanding of place value Notice in the lesson on difference how in clip 6 a child demonstrate her fluency with place value by identifying 600 and 598 as numbers with a difference of two.