Process, timeline and overview Graduation, Completion and Dropout Rates: Process, timeline and overview 1
Why does this matter? For schools and districts to understand how CDE gathers and collects data For schools and districts to understand the timing of data collection
Important Dates for Student End of Year Data Collection Regular Process Start of February, districts can start reporting data for the current school year Mid-September, all districts submit data from the previous school year to CDE for the first time. This submission is required so CDE can check for students who were dropouts, GED transfers, and expulsions in prior years. Process is conducted to notify districts of students who show up in different districts in current year. Districts can adjust students as not being dropouts to improve their graduation rates. CDE also informs districts of students who receive GEDs. Q: Why is data collected in September? A: Students who graduate in August are claimed as graduates for the previous school year.
Important Dates for Student End of Year Data Collection 11/19/2018 Important Dates for Student End of Year Data Collection End of October districts must submit final version of student enrollment CDE conducts process to determine if students exiting to another district are reported at that district. Check for GED recipients and have districts report completers. CDE notifies districts of students who are recorded as dropouts and showing up in another district. Check current year Student October data to see if students are reported in the current school year. Help districts reduce dropouts First week in December CDE conducts final checks to set anticipated year of graduation and calculate final graduation rates. Districts and CDE validate data which is posted in the middle of January. Q: Why are we still reporting previous year’s data in October? A: Students who left a district may have enrolled (and even graduated!) in a different district and then not count as a dropout. So what? Provide an example of how many students were picked up through this process that previous districts were unaware.
Important Dates for Data Collection 11/19/2018 Important Dates for Data Collection Current timeline posted at: February March April May June July August September October November December January EOY snapshot opens This means that districts have preliminary rates available. All districts create snapshots District final review & approval District activities Cross Validation process Post Cross Validation process Official data release CDE activities
For More Information See the CDE website: Important Dates for the Student End of Year Data Collection: Contact Data Services at or 6