Blocking association of individuals to contracts Instructions for Navigating in the Training Module This training module is best viewed in Slide Show mode. Click on the PowerPoint slide show icon at the bottom of the screen. To proceed to the next step, click the mouse, or use the “PgDn” or Down Arrow key on your keyboard. To return to the previous step, right click and select “Previous” from the menu, or use the “PgUp” or Up Arrow key on your keyboard. To end the presentation, right click and select “End Show” from the menu, or use the “Esc” key on your keyboard.
What is Blocking?
What is Blocking? Blocking is a special way to prevent specific users from obtaining service under specific contracts. Use Blocking if someone has been inadvertently associated to your contract and you want to both: Remove the association, and Prevent future association by that user Blocking is primarily used in response to potentially fraudulent activity by specific users. Note: Blocked users will be notified by email. If you do not want them to be notified, you can temporarily suppress emails on the “Administration” tab.
There are two ways to Block: On the “Manage by Number” Tab Specify one single contract Block one or more users On the “Manage by Name” Tab Specify one single user Block one or more contracts
Blocking a single contract for one or more individuals
Contract Number - Manage by Number Blocking an Association to a User - Screen 1 of 2 To Block a specific Contract Number for one or more users, using the Manage by Number screen: 2 3 Screen 1 of 2: Select Contract Enter a Contract Number that you manage. 1 1 2 Select the action “Block contract addition to profile.” OR 1 3 Click the Submit button. 3 OR 2 1 Choose one of your Contracts from the list. 2 Select the action “Block contract addition to profile.” 3 Click the Submit button. Note: You cannot see a Contract Number in the tool unless that number is in your profile and you are set up to manage it.
Contract Number - Manage by Number Blocking an Association to a User - Screen 2 of 2 To Block a specific Contract Number for one or more users, using the Manage by Number screen : Screen 2 of 2: Select User 1 Select one or more individuals from the list. If necessary, use the Search function to quickly find the user(s) in a long list. 2 Click the Submit button. 1 An email confirmation will be sent to all Administrators for that Contract, as well as to each individual whose access has been removed and blocked. 2
Blocking a single individual from one or more contracts
Contract Number - Manage by Name Blocking an Association to a Contract - Screen 1 of 2 3 2 To Block a user from one or more contracts, using the Manage by Name screen: 1 Screen 1 of 2: Select a search attribute from the drop down list. 1 2 Enter the information you want to search for. 3 Click the Search button. A list of individuals who match the search attribute and criteria you entered will appear. 4 6 4 Choose the individual. Select “Block contract addition to profile.” 5 5 6 Click the Submit button.
Contract Number - Manage by Name Blocking an Addition to a Cisco Contract Number - Manage by Name Blocking an Addition to a Profile – Screen 2 of 2 To Block a user from one or more contracts, using the Manage by Name screen: Screen 2 of 2: Select one, many, or all Contract Numbers from the list. 1 2 Click the Submit button. 1 An email confirmation will be sent to all Administrators for that Contract, as well as to each individual whose access has been removed and blocked. 2