North Dakota State College of Science places the safety and well being of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors above all other considerations by: Prevention of accidents Providing return to work assistance Training and claims management NDSCS Policy Statement
North Dakota State College of Science subscribes to the recognized standards of safety: Workforce Safety and Insurance Department of Health State Fire Marshal OMB Risk Management
Accident and Injuries ALL accidents, injuries, and near misses need to be reported on an Incident Report to HR within 24 hours of the incident NDCC This includes all incidents - even those that do not require medical attention
Medical Emergency Minimum emergency plan is to: Call 911 or Campus Police at Report nature of the emergency and location Send personnel to the entrance of the building or a location to direct emergency responders Warn employees and students in danger
Emergency Planning Bomb Threat Flood Severe Weather Violence in the Workplace Winter Storm Spill and Leak Emergency Plan
Fire Emergency Pull down nearest alarm to alert and evacuate building Call 911 Provide description of fire and the location
Fire Emergency Extinguish fire if properly trained. If not, evacuate the building. Follow departmental shutdown if time permits and it is safe: Disconnect electrical equipment Turn lights on Close, but do not lock doors Evacuate from the building, 50 feet away
Facility Safety Bloodborne Pathogens: Exposure to blood and body fluids Educating and minimizing exposure Electrical Safety: Report any broken, damaged, or cracked receptacle or cords immediately Do not overload outlets or electrical strips (piggyback)
Facility Safety HazCom - Employee Right to Know Training Labeling Containers Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Ergonomics Ergonomics Workstation Setup
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) What is ADA? Protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination Requires reasonable accommodation in order to perform essential job functions ADA is enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but many states also have similar laws to ADA which are enforced locally
Disabilities in Employment ADA makes it unlawful to discriminate in all employment practices such as: recruiting, termination, pay, layoffs, and all other employment-related activities What is a Disability? Physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity
Disabilities & Substance Abuse Alcohol Alcoholism is protected by the ADA as having a disability in some cases Drugs A drug addict is protected as having a disability only if he or she is receiving recovery treatment and is not a current user
Making Accommodations Employees may request accommodations from their supervisor at any time. Refer to NDSCS Policy 211 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Employee Documentation
Thanks for Watching! Safety and Risk Management questions? Contact Ann McGray, To return to the HR Training page please click HEREHERE