Dealing with Counterproductive Thoughts in Real-time MRT Skills Mental Games: Changes the focus away from, or compartmentalizes, counterproductive thinking to enable greater concentration and focus on the task at hand. Real-Time Resilience: Shuts down counterproductive thinking to enable greater concentration and focus on the task at hand. MRT Trainer Instructions: Review the points on the slide. Describe how Mental Games and Real-Time Resilience are two strategies for dealing with counterproductive thoughts in real time, but that the strategies differ because Mental Games compartmentalize or distract you from counterproductive thoughts, whereas Real-Time Resilience deals with the thoughts head on and turns them into productive thoughts. State that some individuals find Mental Games particularly useful as they are developing the skill of Real-Time Resilience. Key Points: Mental Games distract from counterproductive thoughts. Real-Time Resilience confronts counterproductive thoughts directly and makes them productive thoughts. Mental Games can be used by individuals until they feel confident enough with the skill of Real-Time Resilience. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
MRT Skills, Unit Nine: Mental Games MRT Trainer Instructions: Introduce Mental Games. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
MRT Skills MRT Trainer Instructions: Slide Builds MRT Skills MRT Trainer Instructions: Read the description of Mental Games: Change the focus from, or compartmentalize, counterproductive thinking to enable greater concentration and focus on the task at hand. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Mental Games help to build Self-regulation. Mental Games: B.L.U.F. MRT Skills Mental Games help to build Self-regulation. Mental Games compartmentalize or distract you from counterproductive thinking by engaging your attention in fun and challenging games or techniques. Mental Games are a useful and quick solution when your thoughts are circling, like in Put It In Perspective. MRT Trainer Instructions: Review the B.L.U.F. statements. Ask for questions/comments. Describe how Mental Games are related to Put It In Perspective. Key Points: Mental Games help to build Self-regulation. Mental Games allow you to compartmentalize or take your mind off counterproductive thoughts by using fun, challenging games or techniques that lower anxiety and promote positive emotion, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. Mental Games allow you to stay task-focused if you are ruminating or circling. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Principles for designing Mental Games: MRT Skills Principles for designing Mental Games: Must require your full attention Must be hard and fun Must be games or techniques you can do within a few minutes MRT Trainer Instructions: Describe the way Mental Games are designed to compartmentalize or “turn the channel” away from thoughts that are fueling intense emotion to thoughts that enable the body to calm. State that these Mental Games give the body a break so emotions can quiet, and then the individual can re-engage with more productive thinking. Review the three principles of Mental Games. Key Points: We will teach you some Mental Games, and with the principles described, you can generate others of your own. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Math games: Count back from 1,000 by 7s. Mental Games MRT Skills Math games: Count back from 1,000 by 7s. Alphabet games: Work your way through the alphabet, naming someone for each pair of initials. Categories games: Name all the sports figures, war heroes, etc. you can in two minutes. Army alphabet: Repeat it backwards. Lyrics: Recite upbeat song lyrics. Positive Imagery: Create a detailed positive image of a situation or memory that helps you to feel calm, positive, or confident. Include as many details in the image as possible so that the image is vivid. MRT Trainer Instructions: Describe each of the Mental Games above and ask participants to model each for one or two minutes per strategy. Point out that these Mental Games can be used as additional Energy Management strategies. If there is extra time, ask participants to demonstrate an effective Mental Game that they have used but is not on the slide. Key Points: It’s important to choose a game or technique that’s right for you. For example, if math games make you frustrated, they won’t help you to change the channel away from counterproductive thinking and will likely further decrease your focus. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Mental Games Key Principles MRT Skills Practice: These techniques require practice in order to derive full benefit. Double up: Mental Games can be used in conjunction with other skills in the program. Self-regulation: Self-regulation is a primary target of Mental Games. MRT Trainer Instructions: Review the Key Principles. Ask for questions or comments. Clarify any misconceptions. Ask participants if there are any other Key Principles they would add to the list. Point out that Deliberate Breathing is one of the skills that can be used in conjunction with Mental Games. Key Points: Mental Games help to distract you from counterproductive thoughts. Mental Games helps to build the MRT competency of Self-regulation. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Mental Games Debrief and Applications Participant Guide page 90 MRT Skills In what situations could you use Mental Games? MRT Trainer Instructions: Discuss the application ideas generated by the participants. Remind participants to record application ideas on the Debrief and Applications page in the Participant Guide. Point out that in the next unit, participants will learn the skill of Real-Time Resilience. Real-Time Resilience is similar to Mental Games, but instead of distracting from counterproductive thoughts when there is a task at hand, it deals with the thoughts head on to shut them down. If there is extra time, ask individuals to demonstrate one or more of the types of Mental Games (i.e., math games, alphabet games, categories games, Army alphabet, lyrics, or positive imagery). Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Mental Games: Check on Learning Slide Builds MRT Skills What is the skill? Mental Games is a skill that compartmentalizes or takes your mind off of counterproductive thoughts so you can be more productive and focus on the task at hand. When do I use it? Use Mental Games as a temporary fix when your thoughts are distracting you from an immediate goal or task. How do I use it? Change your thoughts by playing games or using techniques that are fun, challenging, and that you can do in just a few minutes. What is the skill? Mental Games is a skill that takes your mind off of, and compartmentalizes counterproductive thoughts so you can be more productive and focus on the task at hand. When do I use it? Use Mental Games as a temporary fix when your thoughts are distracting you from an immediate goal or task. How do I use it? Change your thoughts by playing games that are fun, challenging, and that you can do in just a few minutes. MRT Trainer Instructions: Ask each question. (Note that the slide builds.) Check to make sure the participants are giving accurate answers. Clarify misconceptions as necessary. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Mental Games: Check on Learning Participant Guide page 13 MRT Skills MRT Competencies Self-awareness Self-regulation Optimism Mental Agility Strengths of Character Connection Goal Setting Hunt the Good Stuff ATC Energy Management Avoid Thinking Traps Detect Icebergs Problem Solving Put It In Perspective Mental Games Real-Time Resilience Character Strengths Assertive Communication Praise and Active Constructive Responding MRT Trainer Instructions: Refer participants to the Participant Guide. Ask participants to put a check in the boxes to indicate which MRT competencies are developed through Mental Games. Ask participants to describe how Mental Games build the competency/competencies they checked. Note that many of the skills build several different competencies. Indicate that Self-regulation is a primary target of Mental Games. Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. MRT Version 3.1 Copyright © 2014 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.