Eggheads! Spring Thaw 2018
Rules Two teams of 5 persons Chose your competitor Three multiple choice or T/F questions
Confined Space Name two of the four types of conditions that make a confined space a permit required confined space? a. Hazardous atmospheres b. Engulfment hazards (e. g. flowable materials) c. Configuration hazards (e.g. inwardly converging walls) d. Other serious hazards (that impedes self-rescue)
Silica The D.C. Court of Appeals recently rejected all industry challenges to OSHA’s final rule on silica exposure? True
Confined Space Rescue Teams What is the most preferred type of rescue? Answer: Self Rescue
Workplace Exams What hazards must be documented in the workplace examination record, in accordance with the original final rule proposed rule? All hazardous conditions
Confined Space When does “entry” into a confined space occur? When any part of the body breaks the plane of the opening into the space.
Compressed Gasses Why can’t you lay an acetylene bottle on its side? Answer: It is dissolved in acetone and will leak out when the liquid is laid down
Respirators Filters should be stamped approved by what organization? A) OSHA B) MSHA C) ASTM D) NIOSH A) NIOSH
Silica What is the new permissible exposure limit for silica for the construction industry? A) 1 µg/m3 B) 50 µg/m3 C) 200 µg/m3 D) 1000 µg3/m3 B) 50 micrograms per cubic meter
pH T/F:A liquid with a pH of 7 is twice as basic as a liquid with a pH of 3.5. Answer: Greater than 4,500 times stronger
Health Programs T/F: Everyone will experience the same symptoms from a contaminant as long as the exposure time is exactly the same. A: False
Confined Space Rescue Teams How many members of a Rescue Team must be 1st Aid/CPR certified? Answer: At least one
Workplace Exams When does the September 12, 2017 proposed rule require the examination of the working place be conducted? Before work begins or as miners begin work in the working place
Compressed Gasses What is flammability range? Answer: B: 20 feet
Respirators What is a hazard of using an air-line supplied air respirator? A) Carbon monoxide poisoning
pH T/F: pH paper and litmus paper are the same. Answer: True
Confined Space What is the acceptable range of oxygen concentration to be considered NOT a hazardous atmosphere under the confined space definitions? 19.5% - 23.5%
Workplace Exams What hazards must be documented in the workplace examination record, in accordance with the September 12, 2017 proposed rule? Only hazards that have not been corrected before miners might be exposed to them
Silica Where is silica most often found? A) Sites with rock, sand, gravel, concrete & brick B) Sites with hazardous chemicals C) General manufacturing facilities D) None of the above A) Sites with rock, sand, gravel, concrete, and brick
Confined Space What three criteria make a space a confined space? a. Is large enough to enter, and b. Has limited/restricted means of entry or exit, and c. Is not designed for continuous EE occupancy
Health Programs What is the ultimate goal when implementing a health program? A: Miners are able to work continuously without suffering any adverse health effects from the job.
Confined Space Rescue Teams Who are the members of a Confined Space Rescue Team? Answer: Entry Supervisor, Entrant, Attendant, Rescue
Workplace Exams What is the current effective date for the new workplace examination rule to go into effect? June 2, 2018
Health Programs Are Respirator Protection Programs (RPP’s) required at all mines to comply with MSHA regulations? A: No. RPP’s are only required when an overexposure to an airborne contaminant is identified; however, it is recommended they be implemented where conditions may require the use of respirators prior to MSHA issuing a citation.
pH T/F: A liquid with a pH of 9 is more acidic than one with a pH of 12. Answer: True, but both are bases. It has 1,000 times more hydrogen than pH of 12 solution
Compressed Gasses How many feet must fuel and oxygen bottles be separated while in storage? A) 15 feet B) 20 feet C) 25 feet D) Doesn’t matter Answer: B: 20 feet
Ultimate Egghead Kyanos means what AND why do we care? A) Stay alert B) Blue C) Live electrical D) Dinner
Ultimate Egghead What is the flammability range of Acetylene? Answer: 2.5% to 100%