SUPPLIES 2 in. 3-Ring Binder Paper Pencil/Pens Student Planner Spiral Notebook for notes Misc. Project Supplies (e.g. Poster Board, Markers, Color Pencils)
GRADES Your Class Grade is 80% of your final grade. The comprehensive Final Exam is the other 20%. How to calculate your final grade: (Class Grade x .8) + (Final Exam x .2) = Final Course Grade
ASSESSMENT Tests will be a combination of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in the blank, short answer, matching, essay, and problem solving. Quizzes will be POP Quizzes. Projects may be assigned throughout the semester, details will be given in advance.
ASSESSMENT Homework will be due on test days. I will announce which assignments I will collect the day of the test. NO LATE WORK will be accepted, unless you have an excused absence on the HW due date. YOU are responsible for your missed work, not me. Labs are a group effort, your grade will be based on your ability to work together and follow instructions and your lab report.
MISSED WORK You are responsible for your grades and your work. If you are absent you need to check with me and the Homework Boards to get your assignment. Keep up with your work and do not get behind. If you are present for all instructional time, but absent on the due date or test date; then you will make up the work on the day you return. You are responsible for making these arrangements. If you fail to turn things in or make appropriate arrangements then you will receive a grade of 0.
MISSED WORK Reviews and Labs cannot be made up. Most work will need to be made up before or after school. You will not be able to miss another class to come to mine. You will not be allowed to miss new instruction in order to make up a test.
ACTS OF DISHONESTY Cheating is a very serious offense. I will pursue all avenues of discipline in regards to cheating. The Cheater and the Cheatee are equally guilty of cheating! Both will receive a grade of zero, and will be written up for cheating.
SCHOOL RULES NO FOOD, DRINK OR GUM! PERIOD! Follow all rules related to dress code, including ID badges and hats. Guys: Tuck in your shirts, and pull up your pants. Girls: No short skirts/shorts, and shirts should cover ALL parts of your torso and chest. If your clothing can not be fixed I will send you to the office to be sent home until you can return to school dressed appropriately.
TARDIES You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings. When tardy you must have a pass to enter the classroom.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES All homework will be turned in the day of the test. I will call for everyone to pass their work up. Have it ready to go when the bell rings. I will not wait for any one person to get organized. Always raise your hand to ask a question, never speak out of turn. This shows respect to me and to your other classmates.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES During Lessons DO NOT interrupt for any reason other than to ask a question about the lesson. Lab Safety is very important. Following all rules is essential. If you do not follow lab rules you will receive a grade of zero for your lab. Do not test me when it comes to a lab. ANY misbehavior during a lab and you WILL receive a zero. I take safety in the classroom very seriously.
“First 5 Minutes and Last 5 Minutes” You do not get into my classroom tardy without a tardy pass. Period. At the beginning of class, you will have 5 minutes to use the pass and go to the bathroom. You must ask me before class starts. Only one person may leave the room at a time. At the last 5 minutes of class, you may use the restroom only with my permission. If we are busy, that is my choice whether you can go or not. Think ahead. If you have a medical problem then get a Dr.’s note, otherwise I don’t want to hear about it.