Connection of Large – Scale Renewables to the Energy Queensland Network 1st May 2018 Presented by Chris Barker
Who are Energy Queensland? Merger between Ergon Energy (regional) and Energex (metro) electricity distribution entities Services all of Queensland
Large Scale Renewable Connection 1,200 MW committed at April 2018 over 23 plants
Process Overview Simplified process:
Preliminary Enquiry Response (PER) Contains system information: Capacity of lines and substations System stability information, including committed generation Indicative options for connection Indicative costs for progressing to Application to Connect Collation of publicly available information
Site Specific Advice Optional Could be: options analysis, or an investigation such as confirming conductor stringing
Detailed Enquiry Response (DER) Planning report on single option Detailed scope and cost analysis System strength information Information for progressing to an Application
Application Information required to progress an application: Completed application form and fee Single-line diagrams Site location and layout Inverter data sheets Detailed Enquiry Response from Energex or Ergon Energy Proposed GPS and GPS report RUG (Releasable User Guide) Confirmation from supplier of validity of model at low SCR and minimum SCR operation Site-specific, tuned PSCAD model PSSE model Benchmarking report of PSSE and PSCAD
Who will you be dealing with? Connections Solutions Project Sponsor Project scoping and estimating Contracts and Agreements Network Connections Verification of network capacity Steady state analysis Constraint management GPS compliance Dynamic analysis and full system impact assessment
Issues Control mode Undersized plant Control modes have pros and cons – understand what the implications are before deciding Control mode can have an effect on the control system complexity and design Costs and time increases can occur by not considering implications Undersized plant Can cause problems with reactive capability and fault ride through Inaccurate PSCAD models leading to extensive back and forth More work upfront results in smoother due diligence Considerations of loss factors to financial viability Aim for automatic access EQ has weak network – the better the plant can perform, the fewer issues will occur Harmonics – a harmonic filter can take >6 months to design and manufacture
System Strength Change 1st July 2018 Full Assessment will now be responsibility of DNSP A Preliminary System Strength Assessment will be made at the DER stage A Full Assessment will occur after Application to Connect Proponent’s model will be included in network model If remediation is required, the DNSP will inform the proponent The proponent may disagree and complete their own modelling Possible remediation: FACTS devices or synchronous condensers Upgrade to network infrastructure
Useful links