The Launch! Use this presentation to launch your school’s fundraising for the Big BBC Children in Need Spotacular in a whole-school assembly, a year group assembly or during tutor time. Make it as interactive and inspiring as possible, to help students understand the cause and get fired up about the fun and fundraising to come! Why not consider asking students to deliver the presentation? It would be a great way for them to develop confidence, teamwork and communication skills.
Young People in the UK Are in Need Video clip (Click image to play video) ((link to Why get involved video on YouTube, with play button)) Kick start the assembly with the heart of the cause to help set the scene for your students. Use this video to help young people understand who they help by fundraising and how that money makes a difference all across the UK. Is it possible to change their lives for the better?
Join Us! It’s that time of year when all the best people put on a pair of yellow ears to help change the lives of disadvantaged young people across the UK. Yes senior leadership team, we’re talking to you…!
BBC Children in Need Is Back! And this year it’s going to be
Let’s Find Out More! Video clip (Click image to play video) ((link to Big Spotacular introduction video on YouTube, with play button))
We could organise Sponsored Spot Challenges! What Shall We Do? Use the next four slides to share your plans for fundraising activities, e.g. sponsored spot challenges, dressing up in spots, spotty sales. If you’re not planning to do a particular type of activity, just delete the slide or challenge your school to do all three! Can the students think of other ideas? We could organise Sponsored Spot Challenges!
Three Steps to a Spotacular Challenge! Use this slide as a thought starter to help students come up with ideas for Sponsored Spot Challenges. For example, ‘Choose a move’ could be skipping, ‘Pick a twist’ could be that you do it in fancy dress or all together as a class, ‘Line up those sponsors!’ could involve spreading the word to family and friends via the school’s BT MyDonate page.
What Shall We Do? What kind of Spotacular dress-ups can your students think of? We could Wear Our Spots by dressing up or turning the whole school spotty!
What Shall We Do? Whether you decide to sell Spotacular baking or official Pudsey merchandise, setting up a school sale is a great way to raise much needed funds. Why not turn it into an enterprise activity? We could Sell Our Spots by baking, making or buying merchandise to sell!
We’re in! Are You? If you have a photo of your own student fundraisers, why not use it on this slide? Together we can change lives. Let’s try to raise more than ever before!