Results of the 2017 donor survey


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Presentation transcript:

Results of the 2017 donor survey MGSC 12-13 April 2018 Point 7.1 of the Agenda Ferenc Gálik and Michele Schivazappa

Purpose of the donor survey Allow better planning of assistance in the field of statistics Coordination: avoid overlap of projects Create more transparency for donors More predictability for beneficiary Easier to prioritise for the NSIs Benefit from experience of other projects Improving dialogue between beneficiaries and donors

About the donor survey Data from donors and beneficiaries Completed in 2017 On-going: implementation was in progress in 2017 and continued in 2018, Planned implementation intended to start in the beginning of 2018 or later. Projects with no amount not included in tables Some projects include non-statistical components Missing information in some projects Includes data delivered by mid-January

New features in 2018 Shorter timeline for the final report – presented in June 2018 at the Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians Less pressure on countries (less reminders), same time available for filling in, New cut-off date 31 December 2017

Responses in the Donor Survey   2017 2018 Contacted Responses Response rate (%) Donors 151 64 42 136 31 Central Asia 6 4 67 Enlargement 7 100 ENP East ENP South 9 89 National projects 235 193 Regional projects 79 IA activities 83 85

Data in Thousands EUR

Data in Thousands EUR

Data in Thousands EUR

Data in Thousands EUR

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

Data in Thousands EUR

Final report Draft report Comments by 15 May, 2018 Final report will be presented at the Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians on 20-21 June 2018 At the same time made available to contributors by email and in CIRCABC

Thank you for your attention % EECCA Starting date? Sum Regional National Beneficiary? Bilateral Is the Project really finished? Census Is this Status regional or national? Domains? Results Completed? Implementing agency? Thank you for your attention We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this survey. We appreciate the effort, and we hope the report is useful for you as well.