Welcome to 5th Grade Open House!.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 5th Grade Open House!

Things you need to know!

Follow us on Twitter: @ResRinggold

If you haven’t given us your email, please do so before leaving tonight so that you can receive our weekly newsletter. You should have gotten an invitation that had a parent and student passcode for Class Dojo. Please sign up through the CLASS DOJO APP TONIGHT!!! CLASS DOJO: 74% average for the 9 weeks along with grades of A,B,C’s (This qualifies students for PRIDE.)

Agenda Please sign your student’s agenda every night and read over what the student has for homework and what they have worked on in class.

Attendance Perfect attendance is 173 days without any absences, early dismissals, or tardiness. The State of Georgia is very strict about attendance. If your student is absent, a note is required when they return to school (even if you have spoken with the office). If the student is going to be out of school for more than 2 days, please call to request their work so they don’t get too far behind. Excused absences are listed in the county handbook.

Music Mrs. Roach wanted to make you aware that 5th graders will be playing recorders later this year. They can be purchased for $6.00. Students will need to take their recorder home to practice. She will be sending home a form to purchase the recorders on November 4. Money and order form will be due Nov. 21. Georgia Music Standard 5GM.2 a. Perform melodic patterns from a major scale with appropriate technique. d. Perform instrumental parts expressively matching dynamics and tempo while responding to the cues of a conductor.


Accountable talk: all conversations during class should be on topic Manage Tools: use classroom tools/supplies correctly, keep desk clean Noise Level: appropriate level Respectful Responses: talk respectfully with teachers and other students Time on task: stay on task during class, reserve playing for recess Individual accountability: turn in homework/ classwork on time and fill out agenda

PRIDE Rewards 2 School-wide trips Academic reward days/catch up days Catch up Club Pep Rallies and Dress up Weeks Tiger Fridays- $$$$$

Classroom Expectations Come prepared to each class. Complete assignments on time. Follow Directions Be Respectful

Parent Portal Sign up tonight! You can access your child’s grades daily by logging into the website. If you used it last year, you do not have to sign up again. The account should still be available.

HOMEWORK Math: Fact Practice: Mon, Tues, & Thurs. Review Sheet given on Monday Due on Wednesday Reading: 15 minutes of reading (Mon - Thurs.) Reading HW is due at the end of each week Language: daily M,T,W reviewed in class and tested on Friday Science: Homework due on Friday Students have at least 1 project during each 9 weeks.

HOMEWORK Please check www.catoosa.k12.ga.us; go to schools, click on staff names of Hope, Giannamore, McKown, and McCrary for homework assignments. Students should have about an hour’s worth of homework every night. Encourage students to read about 20 minutes each night. Record on reading contract and get parent signature weekly.

GRADES Weekly folders come home on Tuesdays with graded work in them. Please keep the papers, but sign and return folder on Wednesday.

Grades After October 31, students will lose dojo points for papers without a name/heading and/or if turned in late (this does not apply to excused absences).

How can you reach us? Feel free to email any of us at: or Mhope.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us Tgiannamore.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us Mmckown.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us Cmccrary.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us KBlakenship.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us HCoulter.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us or You may call the school and leave us a message.

Math class Daily Review (Math Common Core-10 minute daily review) Math for Today Go over today’s mini-lesson; Groupwork or independent tasks/practice Closing Independent work time; ipads Fact Practice (Mon, Tues, & Thurs nights) Homework given on Monday-due on Wednesday

MATH All eight math units are based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. All classrooms are student-focused. We will be using a website called IXL in our classroom this year. This program is a comprehensive site with an unlimited number of math practice questions and can be accessed from home. www.IXL.com

Mrs. Hope/Coulter Reading and Language (ELA) Daily 5 Reading Read to Self Read to Someone Word Work Listen to Reading Work on Writing

Reading Homework 15 minutes of reading from “just right” book and writing about what they read. Reading HW Weekly .

Language Homework Spiral Language Review Given on Monday complete each night to earn Dojo point the next day in class (Thursday must be completed on Wed. night) Study Thursday for test on Friday

ELA Assessments Weekly Language quiz Comprehension quizzes over chapter books/assigned reading Summative tests and/or projects Progress recorded in Parent Portal.

Books, books, and more books Students can check out two books from the school library. These books can go between school and home. Chapter books will be assigned from an in-class set from time to time. RAZ (This program will be accessible from home.) Hope’s password = michellehope McCrary’s password = carlamccrary McKown’s password = melissamckown Your child is responsible for ALWAYS having a “just right” book each day!

Writing Using the 5 stages of the writing process, students will learn to write in a variety of writing genres. Narrative Informational Persuasive Poetry Response to Literature Letter Speeches Short answer/written reponse

Language Arts Writing – Georgia Standards of Excellence Grammar – Integrated in writing, Daily 5 activities & Daily Spiral Language review homework reviewed daily in class. Spelling – No weekly test Spelling skills will be integrated within the DAILY 5 – Word Work  

Science Science homework will occasionally be once a week. Please call me about anything. All my students have my home telephone number. We will study cells, electricity, classification, heredity, magnetism, matter, volcanoes, and earthquakes. 4-H and CHAMPS

Social Studies (Mr. G) We will study this year: American History: from Civil War through the present day Economics Government (Students will go every other week to Science and Social Studies)

Thanks for coming to 5th Grade Open House!