ESIF Open Data Platform ESI Funds December 2015 Maeva Roulette, ESF Technical Working Group, 3 December 2015, Luxembourg
What is the Open Data Platform? The Open Data Platform is a web-based platform that will present information from the ESIF programmes (financial allocations, achievements, etc.) throughout the 2014-2020 programming period. It will be launched in December 2015 as a complement to Art. 16 Report, which will take the form of a Commission Communication. Its aim is to make information on ESI Funds more transparent and accessible to the public.
ESIF Open Data Platform Data on financial allocations and selected common indicators: STAGE 1: EU, fund, country, and theme (TOs) levels; context data, useful links STAGE 2: programme level, payment rates, updated adoption details Possibility to download the data in excel format Stage 1 Stage 2 As programmes are implemented – we will show also: Categorisation details Financial progress in project selection and expenditure (possibly 3 times a year) All common indicators and progress in realising outputs (annually) Links to lists of beneficiaries
ESI FUNDS - OPEN DATA PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE Planned Financing … by fund, theme, country Common Indicators … targets … by fund and country … by fund and theme … by theme and country EU LEVEL By THEME By COUNTRY By FUND …filter THEME …filter COUNTRY …filter FUND PROGRAMMES … later
1. Finances : EU Budget overview (similar graph for each MS)
Finances – EU and Total financing
2. Themes = Thematic Objectives
TO1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation EU Amount (euro)
Achievements = Lists of common indicators with aggregate targets
Achievement lists will lead to visualization by MS
Achievements Selected common indicators will be displayed The common indicators are direct outputs or in some cases (immediate) result indicators The value shown is the target achievement for the end of the period (later achievements values will be made available) For some funds targets were not a requirement so common indicators are partially available (for example for ESF) In any case common indicators represent many but not all of the expected actions to be financed
3. Member State view
Member State - page contents 1. Financial allocation Pie chart of fund breakdown Allocation by Thematic Objective 2. Achievements Selected Common Indicators presented with target values (filtered by Fund) Links to Programme pages (For Phase 2 in early 2016)
Member State page – Specificities for ESF and YEI No targets broken down by Member State in the first phase for ESF and YEI; Not all Member States have chosen the same indicators to set targets (flexibility ESF Regulation); Some Member States have set targets in percentages, others in values; Commission services will be in contact with the Managing Authorities to define which meaningful targets should be presented on the platform.
4. Fund view
ESIF OPEN DATA PLATFORM ** Online December 2015 **