Why study Humanities?
Why? Humanities studies humankind, society and culture through performing and visual arts.
Still…why? What type of impact have the arts had on society over the past centuries? Have the arts helped influence the development of society?
Wait, I’m getting to the answer History shows us that the arts have a definite influence over how society develops.
Where in history, past or recent, can you think of how art has influenced society?
The history of art develops as people develop, as people think. Cultures define themselves with their art.
As cultures expand, encounter other cultures, art changes to reflect these interactions.
The art created within a culture influences how the culture thinks. This can be seen in the humanistic approach brought on by the Renaissance. Patriotic songs and art
Riddle me this How do current artistic trends influence your society?
Art offers and insight into a culture Art offers and insight into a culture. The commercial use of art reflect a cultures wants and desires.
You make the judgment Judging by these 10 commercials from the Superbowl, list 10 things that out society values. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZL4y4rr 7R8
The Arts Affect Everyone We study the arts to know where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going.
To Learn About Other Cultures It’s a global world, studying art from around the world provides an insight into our neighbors.
Art Builds Upon Art Learn how one art form is influenced by another. Examining the similarities and differences between forms provides insights into cultural values.