First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM. Join Us Afterward, Upstairs in the Café.
Speaker Schedule: Mar 28 – Jordan Lorence Apr 04 – Chris Eads Apr 11 – TBD
Senior Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom Today’s Speaker: jordan lorence Senior Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom
Religious Liberty and Washing the Disciples’ Feet jordan lorence
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Jordan had no slides today, but we have a really good audio track from this mornings talk. Next slide has some additional questions you can ponder as you go through this lesson from Jordan Lorence.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Jesus at the Last Supper, knowing that He was God, took the lowliest job of washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:3-5; 12-17). How does Jesus’ command for us to serve others like Christ served the disciples, encourage us to give freely of our “loaves and fishes?” What are examples in your own life where you hesitated to help someone else because it was “beneath you” or would make you look bad in the eyes of others? Have you ever served someone, and it opened a door or solved a problem or created a relationship far greater than what could have conceived?
Lazarus Computer Ministry Larry Howell 571-308-8652
Lazarus Computer Ministry Donate your working Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Mac computer. contact Larry Howell at
Congregational Meeting: T O N I G H T Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in the Smith Center from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Be There!
DO GOOD FRIDAY 9 am: Rally at MBC Tysons, then head out to serve 12 pm: Morning session concludes 12 pm: Simulcast with David Platt, Why Is Good Friday Good? 2 pm: Rally at MBC, then head out to serve 5 pm: Afternoon session concludes 5:30 pm: Dinner, fellowship and celebration 7:30 pm: Good Friday Service