P. Minnis (p.minnis@nasa.gov), A. DelGenio (adelgenio@giss.nasa.gov) Project Title: A Study of Arctic Radiation Budget using CERES/MODIS Satellite and ARM NSA Surface Observations and NASA GISS Model Project team: Xiquan Dong (dong@aero.und.edu), Baike Xi (baike@aero.und.edu), P. Minnis (p.minnis@nasa.gov), A. DelGenio (adelgenio@giss.nasa.gov) Project status: Year 1 (now) – Using the ARM ground-based and NASA satellite observations to study 2006-2007 drought and flood events at the SGP. Year 2 and 3 1) Provide the surface-satellite dataset for modelers to simulate the 2006-2007 extremes at the SGP. 2) Study Arctic clouds and their impact on surface and TOA radiation budget using ARM NSA and NASA satellite observations. Science issue: Two Golden years, SGP 2006-2007 focus on drought/flood extremes Approach: Using the 10-yr averages as baseline to define and study WY06 and WY07 extremes Satellite-based data: Cloud and radiation properties derived from GOES, CERES, MODIS during WY06/07 Ground-based data: ARM SGP observed cloud and radiation properties and rainfall from 1997 to 2007. Analyses: Annual and diurnal cycles of cloud and radiation properties during the periods of 1997-2006 and WY06/07 NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) This study is the NEWS integration project #2: Two golden years, SGP 2006-2007 focus on drought/flood contrast. This integration team is led by Houser, Schiffer and Lapenta. The team members include Peters-Lidard, Schubert/Phil, Dong, Huffman, Arkin, Imam, Famiglietti, Entin, Bosilovich, Fetzer, Rossow, Lapenta, Njoku, Su, Lin, Roads, Sapiano, Janowiak, Ferraro, L'Ecuyer, and Olson. Major Result to go in lower left side: Figures should not be too complex or busy – this example is probably the limit of acceptable complexity. Monthly E-P timeseries and total precipitable water change, from the “next-generation” NEWS global water-cycle data. The green shaded area encompasses the total range of E-P estimates obtained through various combinations of precipitation data. Updated: October 29, 2007