Utilizing New Technologies and Insulins for a Tighter Grip on PPG
Major Mechanisms Linking Elevated PPG to Diabetes Complications
Recommended Targets for PPG
Diabetes Care Technologies: "Game Changers"
Patient Case Study
Smart Devices: CGM-Augmented Insulin Treatment
CGM From the Patient's Perspective
Optimizing Approaches to PPG Control
CSII: Insulin Pumps
Insulin Replacement Therapy Aims to Recreate the Normal Blood Insulin Profile
Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulins: Approaching a More Exact Physiologic Insulin Profile
Ultra-Fast-Acting Prandial Insulins
Trial of a Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System
The Challenge of Mimicking the Physiologic Response to Mealtime Glucose
BioChaperone® Lispro: Faster Insulin Kinetics Compared With Lispro (Injection)
Faster Aspart Pooled Analysis: Onset and Offset of Insulin Action
Patients With T1DM Who May Be Candidates for Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulins
Glucose-Monitoring With the FreeStyle Libre™ Device
Onset® 1: Study Design
Onset® 1: PPG (Test Meal)
Onset® 1: Faster-Acting Insulin Aspart Administered Postmeal
Onset® 4: Incidence of Hyperglycemia
Onset® 5: PPG Increment Results After a Standardized Meal Test
Scale of Self-Reported Psychological Complaints: Controls vs Patients With T1DM
Summary and Conclusions