Building An Effective TMC Youth Program My 5 Building Blocks!
REVELATION: The Foundation -TMC’s Vision: To reach youth (especially those who are at risk) and impact their lives in such a way that they would become positive role models in their communities and in the future.
INNOVATION: Creating Opportunities Being innovative is a significant part of building an effective youth program. This generation is very creative, therefore to influence them, you must dig into the deepest part of your mind and pull out the best ideas. Part of being innovative is creating opportunities to gain access into young people lives. This access gives you the right to speak into their lives. My Philosophy on opportunity: 1.Daily Opportunities: Evening Program 2.Monthly Opportunities: Monthly Events (Rap Fest) 3.Seasonal Opportunities: BNBL Basketball team and Tournaments
CONNECTION: Seizing the Moment When you create opportunities you have to seize the moment to connect with young people. Events entertain people, but its up to you to enter people lives! How do you connect? 1. Be Intentional: Making an Effort to Connect 2. Be Patient: Don’t get discouraged 3. Be Persistent : Stick with it!
APPLICATION: The Key to Success Application is the practical side of creating an effective program. It’s moving from the theoretical mindset to the daily task of executing. It is filled with trials and errors, but it is the key to success! -One Day at a time: Don’t look at how you can be effective tomorrow or next week. But look at being the best you can be today. -Pay attention to detail: you cannot let the little things get away or else it could negatively effect you later on.
DOCUMENTATION: The Safety Net Documenting is important because you create a safety net for yourself and those who come after. It reveals the shortcomings and success in your program and it prevents others from falling into the pitfalls you fell into. Tips for Documenting: 1. Document Everything: Keep a journal or a record 2. Keep up with your outcomes