Which sentence is written in correct parallel structure? After giving Jeremy her phone number, Felicia had to tolerate his late night calls, stupid conversations, and requests for her math homework. After giving Jeremy her phone number, Felicia had to tolerate his late night calls, the fact that he carried on stupid conversations, and requests for her math homework. After giving Jeremy her phone number, Felicia had to tolerate being woken up late at night, having stupid conversations, and he constantly requested her math homework.
Chapters 6-9 (p. 85-115) While running, an idea began to fascinate Elie. What was the idea? What kept him from carrying out his idea? What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son? What was the name of the camp to which the men walked? Describe Elie's meeting with Juliek. How long were they at Gleiwitz? Where did they go next? What happened to Mr. Wiesel, Elie's father? What was Elie's only desire? What happened on April 10, 1945?
Writing Portfolio #1 Moishe as an Outsider - Outsider archetypes do not fit in with the mainstream society in which they are placed. They are often used to comment on a particular society, give us an alternative point of view, or create change in the society. Explain how Moishe the Beadle from chapter 1 of Night fits the description of an Outsider archetype. How does he not fit into the mainstream society of the novel?
Writing Portfolio #2 When the sirens sound, the guards take cover, leaving the fences and food unwatched. A crowd hungrily stares at an unguarded cauldron of soup, but no one dares to take any soup because, as Eliezer explains, “Fear was greater than hunger.” Finally on man does attempt to get some food, but he is shot in the process. Pick one of the following and answer in a paragraph or two. Use evidence from the text: How far do you believe the prisoners can be pushed before they rebel, if at all? For instance, would the prisoners be more likely to revolt or die of hunger, and why? Eliezer called the man who is shot a hero. Do you agree? Explain. If you were in this situation, do you think that you would try to get some soup or just watch, and why?
Writing Portfolio – Saving Faith While in the hospital, Eliezer hears news of the Red Army approaching. Eliezer’s neighbor makes the comment, “I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people” (81). What does he mean by saying this? How does it connect back to the Jewish people’s struggle with their faith.
Writing Portfolio - Symbolism When they reach Gliewitz, Eliezer happens across Juliek, the Polish musician from earlier in the novel, and his violin. While there, Juliek gives his final performance to a mass of dying people by playing a piece of a Beethoven concerto. This act is symbolic in the context of the book. What is this act symbolic of? How does it show that? Use page 49 as a reference.
Ticket Out Choose the correct word or phrase within the context suggested by the sentence. Pasta boiling in water, __________, and garlic bread baking in the oven welcomed Francisco as he opened the door. simmered tomato sauce in the pan tomato sauce simmering in the pan tomato sauce that simmered in the pan saucy tomatoes that were simmering in the pan
#KOTD Correct the sentence. the involuntary start everyone give proved how much mercerfs narrative had impressed them and albert himself could not holy refrain from manifesting sudden emotion
Chapter 5 ideas Struggles with faith Father-son relationships Biblical allusions Night; winter
Chapter 5 response journal Struggles with faith are very prevalent in chapter 5. Write a response on how the author uses the struggle of faith to drive the plot. How does the struggle appear during the two holidays at the beginning of the chapter? What is happening to Eliezer? Akiba Drumer? The rabbi? What happens to those who lose their faith? What replaces the void left by Eliezer’s lost faith?
Writing Portfolio - Symbolism When they reach Gliewitz, Eliezer happens across Juliek, the Polish musician from earlier in the novel, and his violin. While there, Juliek gives his final performance to a mass of dying people by playing a piece of a Beethoven concerto. This act is symbolic in the context of the book. What is this act symbolic of? How does it show that? Use page 49 as a reference.
Ticket Out Correct the faulty parallel structure. After giving Jeremy her phone number, Felicia had to tolerate his late night calls, the fact that he carried on stupid conversations, and requests for her math homework.