Experiential Education and Academic Literacies Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Experiential Education Professional Development Session Experiential Education and Academic Literacies EE Writing Assignments Marlene Bernholtz Writing Centre, LA&PS
Overview Who are typical EE students? What are EE writing activities? What kinds of questions do students ask about EE writing assignments? About the purpose About the research About the analysis What can we do to help?
Who are EE students? Faculty of Health Nursing Education Law Business Internationally Educated Professional Bridging Program
Typical EE assignments Reflections Case studies Reports Integrative papers Community project proposals
Questions about purpose Why am I writing this assignment? What is a reflection/report? How is a reflection/report different from an essay? How do I structure the writing? Can I use the first person?
Purpose: what can help Well-defined assignment sheets A preamble introducing the purpose of the assignment A set of guided questions to prompt an appropriate response A well-defined structure
Questions about research How do I find secondary sources? What is a scholarly source? What is an acceptable web site? How do I find effective key words? How do I figure out what is useful in the readings? What is APA style?
Research: what can help Library orientation specifically linked to the assignment Focusing on specific aspects of course readings Modeling quotation/paraphrasing techniques Encouraging students to take notes Refer students to APA web sites
Questions about analysis How do I connect theories/concepts to my own experience? Do I have to explain the theories? Do I need a thesis statement? Isn’t it all just obvious?
Analysis: what can help Opportunities to discuss experiences and insights in class Examples or models of how course concepts operate in the real world Model thesis statements Assistance from the Writing Centre
Writing Centre Services One-to-one writing instruction Workshops Writing courses ESL Open Learning Centre Contact: Ross S329 416-736-5134 http://www.yorku.ca/laps/writ/