Warm up: Write down 10 things you can do conserve energy Grab a Book!!!
Kinetic-Potential-Chemical Rock balance on the edge of a cliff A piece of coal A landslide Roller coaster car A diver on a 10 meter platform A car battery tides
Goals Describe heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation Describe conversion of mechanical energy into heat Describe the second law of thermodynamics and how it relates to electricity
Heat transfer : Activity A There are station2’s: hot water and cups. On your paper : Which will keep the water hot longer Metal or Styrofoam and why? Design an experiment to prove your hypothesis Carry out experiment after I see what you wrote down Write down your results There are station 1’s :100W light Bulb On your paper : Describe what happens to the temperature of your hand as you move it towards and away from the bulb. Describe the change in temp of your hand when you hold a piece of paper between your hand and the bulb Compare and explain the temp difference of your hand when u hold it above the light bulb verses near the light bulb
Station 3 is at your table Differences in temp inside over time and why? Design an experiment.
Time in minutes Uninsulated Solar cooker Temp in Celsius Insulated Solar cooker 66 30 76 88 60 82 94
Part B Kinetic Energy, Potential, Energy and Heat Copy the graph How does the kinetic energy of the clay chg over time? How does the potential energy of the clay chg over time? How was the kinetic transformed to potential? How was the kinetic transformed to heat and how? Create you own example of the 3 changes and record
Energy Units Part C Make a concept map of the table Do you think you can produce power equal to that of a 100-W bulb? Calculate the power of a steel ball that weighs 5lbs.