Evangelism: Confirmation of the Bible Study
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five steps to Confirm or to Set-up the Bible Study. Get them to say it Get a specific time frame Develop a sense of obligation A sense of conscience Seeing is believing
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Before we get to the five items above let’s look at some basic human behavior patterns. Enthusiasm is contagious. The more excited and passionate you are about what you’re saying the more they will become about it. When you follow up with guests to your worship services, you are responding to them. They have sought you out and you are helping them get what they really want.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Often churches are afraid to follow up with guest. They do not want to seem pushy. That’s unfortunate. Your guests have made the first step and they are expecting something from you or they would not have come in the first place. One of the most effective methods for getting someone to follow through is to let them know that you believe that they are the type of person who does follow through.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Three examples of this method. Examples: “Being in an assembly that worships God, says that you are the kind of person that has made a conscience decision to love Him” “It’s very impressive to those who see you set aside everything else on Sunday morning to worship God” “I like the fact that you display your faith in God by being in an assembly that wants to worship Him”
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study This invokes the law of internal consistency. These phases make the person feel compelled to follow through because you involve the ego and created a sense of desired consistency. People have an inherent need to perform in a manner consistent with how they see themselves and with how they think others perceive them. These comments address someone’s identity and force their ego to come up with reasons to justify their behavior, not to change it!
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five-Step Process Get them to say it: When you say it, it’s one thing, but when they say it, it takes the commitment to a whole new level. You want them to say the words. Therefore, you say, “Do you really mean that?” or “Are you serious?” They will most likely respond with, “Yes, We can study this Thursday.”
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five-Step Process Get a specific time frame: You want them to commit to a time for the study. (Day of the week and time to start)
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five-Step Process Develop a sense of obligation: It’s important to let them know that in some way you are going to alter what you were going to do. They need too see that the withdrawal of their commitment will cause a disturbance. If they renege and there are no repercussions, then they will see that things are no worse off for you than before they agreed. You might let them know that you are canceling other appointments and moving your schedule around to accommodate them.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five-Step Process A sense of conscience: You want to relay that you are now depending upon them for their help. You might mention any consequences that you might suffer if they do not come through.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study Five-Step Process Seeing is believing: Real estate agents know the power of this tactic. When showing a home they want the people to envision it as theirs. Taking it from someone else’s house to their home is a powerful visual technique. So when showing the customer around they’ll ask questions such as, “Where do you think you might put the TV?” and “Where will the sofa go”? For our example, you might want to say, “Will we study in the living room or at the kitchen table”?
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study The Back Door: There is a psychological door that we keep guarded and tightly closed, but there’s always a back door that we can walk right through. The back door tactic is a simple and highly effective questioning technique. It works because no matter how well practiced someone is at convincing you of their sincerity, they are not prepared to respond to this tactic.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study The Back Door: The key phase is: “What would have to happen for this not to work out?” The reason: a person’s entire line of thought is not on why they wouldn’t do something but on why they would. People are used to answering questions as to why they are doing or will do what they said they will do.
Confirming the Bible Study Basic Bible Questions Confirming the Bible Study The Back Door: Under normal circumstances – if they were honest in their intentions – this wouldn’t be a problem, but it becomes one when an individual is not sincere. After you ask this question the only answer you should expect is a fast “nothing” or a reasonable obstacle – something specific that is beyond their control.