Staff communication and dissemination Audrey Mitchell Carr-Gomm
Here’s one we made earlier… Selling new ideas to staff - PCP Audrey Mitchell, Carr Gomm
Why introduce change? Expected by funders and regulators as ‘continuous improvement’ Introduced by organisations to be innovative and responsive
Possible reactions ‘not another change’ ‘doing it like that already’ ‘it won’t work…’ ‘clients won’t like it’ ‘sounds good, tell us more’
Persuading…. Better Cheaper Easier Innovative
Path to persuasion Research Plan Pilot Communicate …. Commit ….
With hindsight……. Balance pace of introduction with clear implementation date Train managers early for team commitment Not optional
Pearls of wisdom? Need to convince it’s good Think it through Do the thinking and planning - then joint working Celebrate new ways of working together
Selling new ideas to staff… Audrey Mitchell
Staff communication and dissemination Key question for discussion: What have you done - or could do - to promote the benefits of SupportActionNet approaches to staff working directly with service users? What problems can you envisage - or have identified and tackled - and how can they be overcome? (See p21 in your delegate pack for checklist)