Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church Lesson 8: Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41)
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) In O.T., circumcision was a command (Gen. 17:10-14; Ex. 12:48-49). In N.T., circumcision was a judgment call. It was not wrong to do (Acts 16:3). It was not wrong to refuse to do (Gal. 2:3). But Jewish Christians demanded it (v. 2) & made their opinion of it a “salvation issue.” The negative impact: “dissention” (2), “dispute” (2, 7), “yoke” (10), “troubled” (24), “unsettling” (24), “burden” (38) Note: Paul’s authority should have been enough.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) Discussion about matters of opinion (6-21) There was “much debate” (v. 7) Peter spoke (v. 7-11) It was God’s decision to send him to Gentiles God made no distinction God purified their hearts by the faith Man cannot put unbearable yoke on others Jews & Gentiles saved in same manner – no circumcision required!
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) Discussion about matters of opinion (6-21) There was “much debate” (v. 7) Peter spoke (v. 7-11) Paul & Barnabas spoke (v. 12) “…declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles” Circumcision not required for the benefit of these miracles to be enjoyed (cf. 14:3, 8-9). This was God’s doing—take it up with Him!
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) Discussion about matters of opinion (6-21) There was “much debate” (v. 7) Peter spoke (v. 7-11) Paul & Barnabas spoke (v. 12) James, half-brother of Jesus, spoke (v. 13-21) God visited the Gentiles & “took a people” The O.T. prophesied of this (Amos 9:11-15) Known/determined by God from eternity Not trouble Gentiles with circumcision; it is not in God’s plan
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) Discussion about matters of opinion (6-21) Decisions relating to matters of opinion (22-35) God did not require circumcision Therefore, the Jews have no right to require it Steps taken by apostles, elders & whole church to resolve the differences (sent letter) False teachers came requiring circumcision True teachers are coming (incl. Judas & Silas) Brethren were following guidance of Holy Spirit No greater burden laid on Gentiles than on Jews Only “necessary things”—these “salvation issues”
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Dissension over matters of opinion (1-5) Discussion about matters of opinion (6-21) Decisions relating to matters of opinion (22-35) Division caused by matters of opinion (36-41) Barnabas “was determined”; Paul “insisted” They were at an impasse. Neither was willing to yield to opinion of the other “The contention became so sharp that they parted” Division was not doctrinal, but judgment call Both remained focused on spreading the gospel. Still loved & respected each other (cf. 1 Cor. 9:6) No indication in N.T. ever saw each other again
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me How can we tell the difference between an opinion and doctrine? Doctrine—supported by something GOD HAS DONE. To prove circumcision was matter of judgment, pointed to God’s involvement with Gentiles. God involved Himself with the Gentiles without demanding circumcision from them. Who was man to require it of them? Doctrine—supported by something GOD HAS SAID. To prove circumcision was matter of judgment, pointed to the predictions of God in Amos. God’s word teaches salvation of Gentiles without circumcision. Who was man to require it?
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me How can we tell the difference between an opinion and doctrine? Doctrine—product of divine revelation What GOD HAS DONE What GOD HAS SAID Ex: Matthew 19:3-6 (God had done & said something) Opinion—product of evaluation, not revelation Comes from thoughts that cannot be supported by the preceding criteria
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me When it comes to opinions: They must not become “salvation issues.” They must not be “forced” on others. They must not become our “standard.” They must yield to God’s standard/His Word. They must not be allowed to divide us. We need 2B willing to consider other opinions. We need to use God’s fellowship as standard. We need to remember—opinions are opinions. We need to continue to respect each other.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Proper attitudes are essential to harmony. The composure of Paul & Barnabas The God-authorized apostle & one of the most influential preachers were disregarded No record of them being offended when their instruction was not accepted about the question of circumcision Humility reinforces the mindset of a servant (cf. 1 Pet. 5:5) and helps us get along with each other.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Proper attitudes are essential to harmony. The composure of Paul & Barnabas The contrition of Peter Initially, Peter did not even want the gospel to go to the Gentiles (Paul even withstood him to the face at one point, Gal. 2:11-14). Instead of defending his opinions out of pride, Peter repented & admitted his wrong. Our opinions and our pride must not get in the way of us getting along with each other and accepting one another.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Proper attitudes are essential to harmony. The composure of Paul & Barnabas The contrition of Peter The compassion of James In addressing the Jews who were strongly opinionated about circumcision, James showed kindness. He quoted from “their” Old Testament. He turned his audience toward God. He promoted sensitive issues, like abstinence from idolatry. Kindness will help us get along.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Proper attitudes are essential to harmony. The composure of Paul & Barnabas The contrition of Peter The compassion of James The courtesy and warmth of apostles & church They wrote a letter of acceptance for the Gentile Christians. They took time to see it from the Gentiles vantage point. Viewing life from one another’s perspective will help us get along (Mt. 7:12).
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Proper attitudes are essential to harmony. The composure of Paul & Barnabas The contrition of Peter The compassion of James The courtesy and warmth of apostles & church The consistency of Judas & Silas They delivered a letter of acceptance. They preached a message of acceptance. They practiced a behavior of acceptance. If we will preach and then practice acceptance, it will help us get along.
Doctrine, Opinion & His Glorious Church (Acts 15:1-41) Applying It to Me Acts 15 begins with a doctrinal issue—when an “opinion” is made a “salvation issue.” Who are we to elevate our personal thoughts to the level of doctrine & insist on forcing them through? Acts 15 ends with a personality issue—when two “opinions” led to a separation. It is unfortunate that clashes in personality today are allowed to damage the unity we should have. Let us consider and live up to this motto: In matters of faith—unity; In matters of opinion—liberty; In all things—love.