Mentoring 101: A Conversation About Helping Scott Beckett Jim Lewis Steve Silbiger
Paired Share A Time You Were Mentored What the mentor did that made a difference What you learned from the experience How this lesson has become part of your life
Mentoring Defined Mentoring can be defined as a significant, long-term, beneficial effect on the life or style of another person, generally as a result of personal contact. A mentor is one who offers knowledge, insight, perspective, or wisdom that is useful to the other person.
A Little Wisdom…. “What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever.” --Henry Van Dyke
Determine “Being” as a Coach Jot on a piece of paper the following: Top three attributes a coach should possess. Three things that really make you angry when dealing with someone they are coaching or mentoring. Three attributes to enhance your role as a coach.
The Mentoring Matrix Informal Structure, Long-Term High Structure, LENGTH OF TIME Informal Structure, Short-Term High Structure, Short-Term STRUCTURE
Your Commitment... Identify a person you plan on mentoring. Identify the context of the relationship. Determine the timeline for the relationship. Plot specific actions to develop the relationship. Make a commitment to the person you chose.