What is working well and where can it be improved? Achieving Town Centre objectives by applying digital technologies to parking and transport. What is working well and where can it be improved? Lorna Hogg, Parking Officer Aberdeenshire Council
About Aberdeenshire Area: 6313 square km (2437 sq miles) 8% Scotland’s overall territory 4% Scotland’s population - 262,000 14 large settlements (1/4 of population in 5 main settlements) 113 Off Street Car Parks
Town Centre Objectives An increase in local employment opportunities for all Towns become more safe, attractive places to live, work and visit Maintained/enhanced accessibility, social vitality and commercial viability of the towns, especially their centres
Town Centre First Principle Jointly developed - Scottish Government and Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) Health of town centres to feature in decision making processes. First local authority in Scotland to adopt the principle on a Council wide basis
Parking in Aberdeenshire On-street parking - remains with Police Scotland Electric vehicle charge points 2013/14: Machine replacement Dec 2014: tariff change - free periods introduced Jan 2016: Notice Processing system & integrated mobile phone ticket issuing March 2017: Cashless Parking introduced June 2017 – January 2018: Parking review
What is working well Registration linked P&D tickets P&D machine monitoring P&D machine fault response Excess Charge Notice (ECN) issuing Notice processing Cashless Parking Body worn video cameras
Where can it be improved? P&D Machines – card payments Free periods – budget; machine use; loyalty app Misuse of EV charging bays On street parking management Real time parking information
Summary Challenges to further improvement: Budget Improved accessibility Stronger links with Communities Summary App linking loyalty to business to parking Machine fault response Free Periods Survey engagement Cashless parking Increased footfall Income Enforcement Challenges to further improvement: Budget Cost/benefit analysis Low/no charges Body worn video Safe Clean, maintained facilities Safe attractive places to live, work and visit
Lorna Hogg, Parking Officer lorna.hogg@aberdeenshire.gov.uk Thank you Lorna Hogg, Parking Officer lorna.hogg@aberdeenshire.gov.uk www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk @aberdeenshire /AberdeenshireCouncil /aberdeenshirecouncil