Campus Conversations Agreeing our Strategy
Outline Strategy development – the process The current environment Edinburgh Napier today Looking forward Vision 2020 Discussion Next steps
But First
Test goals / objectives Strategy: the process October 2013 Range of meetings / forums Thoughts and comments to Discussion forum visit January 2014 Test goals / objectives March 2014
The Environment The Environment Scotland's HE, a success Scottish Post-16 Education policy SGF decreased from 09/10 in real terms; protected (cuts in capital) Small expansion in funded places RUK funding …. changing pattern Edinburgh Napier receives c. 58% of funding from SFC
The Environment The Environment Internationally HE demand is high Policy environment Competition Diverse student populations; demography Graduates attributes … complexity Technology Brand / reputation
Where are we now? A modern, professional university Broad portfolio of degrees, professional Strong focus on employability Applied research Good links with business / industry
Solid Foundations applications grew strongly to 2011/12 student retention increased diverse student community graduate employment rates strong, but < Scottish average international student numbers in Edinburgh have fallen RUK student numbers have fallen overseas delivered student numbers growing strongly research income down (£4.9m to £3.4m) commercial income up (£5.7m to £8.5m)
What staff have said to me Initial observations What staff have said to me Enthusiastic committed staff Strong commitment to students Good pedagogic innovation Research / industrial engagement Strong TN profile Income flat lining International students here low R – T Links fractured? Academic strategy as core? Process driven? Good colleagues Good place to work Strong commitment to students; Valuable education … pride Want clarity about priorities Want transparency around investment Career development R & T disconnected; R not prioritised Lack of senior team visibility Want clarity about DM League tables – real disappointment
Student Experience second to none Enhanced Academic Reputation Vision 2020 and beyond Student Experience second to none Enhanced Academic Reputation A Great Place to Work
‘well prepared … worked in 3 different countries so far’ ‘Snapshots’ from 2020 ‘best student experience in UK’ (the student room) ‘well prepared … worked in 3 different countries so far’ Its great belonging to the ‘Edinburgh Napier family’ … … contacts ‘Great facilities’ ‘never believed I could have set up my own business’ – it was tough but I was so well supported I learned a lot through my volunteering project in Malaysia
‘Snapshots’ from 2020 ‘Lets see what Edinburgh Napier is doing’ ‘Research funding all time high’ ‘the place to flourish’ ‘A great place to develop your career ‘ ‘lets talk to Edinburgh Napier – they understand our needs‘
Discussion / Thoughts
Vision 2020 What do you hope /expect we will be known for in 2020? What key features could make the university ‘stand out from the crowd’? Is there one thing we could do that would be new / different? Our future vision …. ‘one of the leading professional universities in the UK’ or ……………
Strategy Discussion: Themes Student Experience second to none Building our Academic Reputation A great place to work
Student experience second to none Enquiry based approach to learning? Work related learning / international experience? Employability - Enterprise - Entrepreneurship? Targeted / tailored support? Technology … access to learning? NSA Co-curriculum Volunteering Sports Clubs & societies
Building our academic reputation Growing the interdependence of research & teaching? Understanding and building our academic strengths? Key themes …. UG: PG balance Building business engagement? Developing our international reach? Priorities, challenges, barriers
A great place to work What makes Edinburgh Napier a good place to work? What would make a positive difference? How might we change our processes to improve the way we work? Professional, ambitious, innovative, inclusive Proud, confident challenged, supported Respect & Integrity
Growing the University Sustainable academic growth Academic outputs Business engagement International reach Reputation Partnerships …
Next Steps October 2013 Strategy 2020 discussion forum launching this week Send thoughts / comments to by Monday 23 December 2013 More information about events and discussion forum … Strategy 2020 intranet pages January 2014 Test goals / objectives March 2014
Thank you