How do you choose your classes for next year? Freshman Forecasting How do you choose your classes for next year?
Graduation Requirements Portland Public Schools Language Arts 4 credits Mathematics 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Sci. Modern World History 1 credit Social Sci. U.S. History 1 credit Social Sci. Economics ½ credit Social Sci. Government ½ credit Physical Education 1 credit Health 1 credit Fine Arts/CTE/World Lang. Year Three 1 credit World Language 2 credit Other/Electives 6 credits TOTAL 24 CREDITS
What is a TRANSCRIPT? It is a Formal document that contains all of your grades, GPA, Class Rank, Credits Required and Completed, throughout all of your high school years.
Here is What a Transcript Looks Like:
Here is What a Transcript Looks Like:
Here is What a Transcript Looks Like:
CHS Requires Certain Classes During Certain Years Here is a sample of YOUR schedule by each Year:
4 Year Plan English (Honor Optional) Modern World History (H ?) Sophomore Year Freshman Year English (Honor Optional) Modern World History (H ?) Biology (H ?) Math PE Elective (Foreign Language) Elective English (H optional) Health (.5 or 1.0) Science Math Foreign Language Elective Gov./Econ.
4 Year Plan continued… IB Jr. English US History/ IB HOTA’s Math Senior Year Junior Year IB Jr. English US History/ IB HOTA’s Math Science Foreign Language Elective (TOK – Full IB) Elective English/IB Sr. English IB 20th Cent. Math ? Science ? Foreign Language ? Elective IB Core (Full IB only)
Things to remember as you choose classes: What is a Pre-requisite? What is Course Rigor and why is it important? What do Colleges Want? D’s & F’s
What is a Pre-requisite? It is a class you have to pass BEFORE you take another. For Example, you must complete Algebra 1-2 before Geometry and Journalism BEFORE Newspaper or Yearbook.
What is Course Rigor and Why is it Important? Course rigor reflects the level of difficulty of the classes you choose to take in High School. For example, if you have a 4.0 GPA but took the easiest class load possible, it does not demonstrate to colleges that you are prepared scholastically to be successful.
What do Colleges Want? Course Rigor Most Colleges in Oregon require a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 A minimum of two years of the same foreign language A minimum of 3 Lab Sciences Extracurricular Activities
D’s and F’s If you earned a D or an F in an academic area during 1st semester, you need to: Sign up for Summer School to make up the credit (see your counselor in May for a form Sign up for Night School for next year (see your counselor for the forms in the fall) Talk with your counselor about online options
Forecasting You Must Take 8 Classes Choose Your Health Selective or semester class Choose your Math, Science and Foreign Language (talk with your current teachers about levels) Use the Course Guide to choose your Electives (pay attention to prerequisites and *semester classes) Fill out the top section with your information Go over your sheet with a parent/guardian and have them sign your sheet Sign your sheet at the bottom and bring it back to school by Wednesday, February 24th Please put it in the “Yoder” box in the SSC (counseling office)