Agents, Dashboards, and You Have Analytics Work For You
Benefits Of Using Agents Benefits Of Using Dashboards Introduction Benefits Of Using Agents Automatic delivery Timely delivery of critical information to multiple parties Facilitates business decisions and conversations. Benefits Of Using Dashboards Centralize commonly used information Develop budgetary tracking tools Analyze spending trends Allow easy access for individual financial information
Agents One agent can be used to send information to multiple users Facilitates the decision making process Easy to use Positions Ending in 90, 60, and 30 Days
Agents Clear and concise data Can be easily customized Easy to use Positions Ending in 90, 60, and 30 Days
Agents Agents cam be used to send information to multiple users. Facilitates the financial review process Easy to use Previous Months Financial Transactions
Agents Clear and concise data Can be easily customized Easy to use Previous Months Financial Transactions
Agents Additional Agent Ideas New account notification for Fiscal Officer, Account Manager and Account Supervisor Departmental birthdays List of Employees funded from accounts expiring in 30 days List of DCC’s scheduled to terminate Customized Bi-Weekly or Monthly payroll listings Monthly Account Balances Employee Visas Expiring within 6 months Student Employee Enrollment Drops below 6 units
Dashboards Clear and concise data Commonly requested information can be centralized Easy to use Departmental Dashboard
Dashboards Clear and concise data Commonly requested information be made readily available Easy to use Account Supervisor Dashboards
Dashboards Clear and concise data Expenditure trends Easy to use Customized Account Info
Bringing It All Together