History of the program 1717 Fund for Pious Uses 1754 Widows’ Fund 1870 Relief Funds for Disabled Ministers and Widows and Orphans 1876 Presbyterian Board of Ministerial Relief 1883 First ministerial retirement home 1909 Sustentation Fund 1927 Board of Pensions; first Presbyterian pension plan 1933 First Christmas Joy Offering 1987 Assistance Program (combines pre-reunion programs)
Fulfilling our mission There are three categories of Assistance Program grants Church Workers’ Urgent Financial Needs Retired Church Workers’ Financial & Housing Needs Pastors’ Vocational Leadership Needs
Church Workers’ Urgent Financial Needs Four Types of Grants Short-term grants provided in cooperation with mid councils 1. Shared Grants 2. Emergency Assistance $3,000 to help defray adoption costs 3. Adoption Assistance Dependent children entering freshman year of college; family income below 2x the churchwide median salary 4. Transition-to-College Assistance
Retired Church Workers’ Financial & Housing Needs Two Types of Grants Eligibility Age 65 or older Retired church worker or surviving spouse or covered partner 20 years of service (10 years, partial supplement) Participation in the Benefits Plan 1. Income Supplements 2. Housing Supplements
Pastors’ Vocational Leadership Needs Three Types of Grants Pastors in first 7 years of ministry serving small congregations Grants of up to $1,500 per year, for up to 4 years $6,000 maximum per individual 1. Seminary Debt Assistance Pastors serving congregations < 200 members 10+ years in ministry Serving current church for at least 6 years Grants of up to $3,000 2. Sabbath Sabbatical Support
Pastors’ Vocational Leadership Needs (cont.) Mid-career pastors 8-day conference Participants focus on spiritual, vocational, health, and financial dimensions of their lives Recently ordained pastors New, 7-day conferences Held 2 successive years Participants focus on the 4 dimensions above, plus leadership formation 3. Presbyterian CREDO
Presbyterian CREDO FACTs Since 2005: 46 conferences and >1,000 clergy and presbytery executive staff Invitation by random sample of pastors 30-55 years of age (for Mid-Career); within first 5 years of ministry (for Recently Ordained) 30 pastors,8 faculty members, per conference Conference locations geographically diverse 8 conferences planned for 2014
Assistance Program 2013 Total Grant Support Three Categories Number Given Total Value Church Workers’ Urgent Financial Needs Shared Grants Emergency Assistance Grants Adoption Assistance Grants Transition-to-College Assistance Grants 483 $552,000 Retired Church Workers’ Financial and Housing Needs Income Supplements Housing Supplements 582 $4,816,000 Pastors’ Vocational Leadership Needs Seminary Debt Assistance Grants Sabbath Sabbatical Support Grants Presbyterian CREDO 259 $310,000 GRAND TOTAL 1,324 $5,678,000
Assistance Program Funding Funds Types of Grants Shared Grants* Emergency Assistance Grants* Income Supplements* Housing Supplements* Christmas Joy Offering* Gifts, Bequests & Endowments (Investment Earnings) Adoption Assistance Grants Transition-to-College Assistance Grants Seminary Debt Assistance Grants Sabbath Sabbatical Support Grants Presbyterian CREDO 10
Challenges Addressing the increasing financial needs of pastors and other church workers A 47% decline in the Christmas Joy Offering over the past decade A shrinking donor base
initiatives Implementation of the funds development activities Annual Solicitations Collaboration with the Presbyterian Foundation Planned giving
Collaboration with The Presbyterian Foundation Ministry Relations Program - Regional Representatives (Board of Pensions) - Ministry Relations Officers (The Foundation) Face-to-face cultivation and solicitation opportunities Supporting one another’s missions
This is the family of faith whom we serve….. “Whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith” ~Galatians 6:10
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