Jesus Took Time To Rest. Seven days without a Sabbath makes one weak Genesis 2:1-3, God introduced the original concept of the Sabbath at the very beginning.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus Took Time To Rest

Seven days without a Sabbath makes one weak Genesis 2:1-3, God introduced the original concept of the Sabbath at the very beginning. The Sabbath is Gods space between the activity of life. It is Gods way of ensuring that the days of our lives do not run together without a break.

Jesus Took Time To Rest Fatigue can be costly. Fatigue can be costly. A tired mind rarely makes good decisions. A tired mind rarely makes good decisions. One bad decision can create countless tragedies. One bad decision can create countless tragedies. Rest and recreation are not a sin. Rest and recreation are not a sin. Rest time is repair time. Rest time is repair time. It is time for renewing. It is time for renewing. It is receiving time. It is receiving time. It helps release your potential. It helps release your potential.

Jesus Took Time To Rest Jesus was an action man, a people person. Jesus was an action man, a people person. Jesus knew the necessity of rest and relaxation. Jesus knew the necessity of rest and relaxation. Mark 6:31 Mark 6:31 Jesus separated Himself to receive. Jesus separated Himself to receive. He knew He could only give away that which He possessed. He knew He could only give away that which He possessed. Work time is giving. Work time is giving. Rest time is receiving. Rest time is receiving.

Jesus Took Time To Rest Faith Walks Out When Fatigue Walks In.

Jesus Took Time To Rest Jesus understood the balance of rest and work. Jesus understood the balance of rest and work. Life is demanding. Life is demanding. People are demanding. People are demanding. The more you succeed, the more people will demand from you. The more you succeed, the more people will demand from you. Rebuilding yourself will require your attention. Rebuilding yourself will require your attention. Matthew 11:28-30 Matthew 11:28-30

Taking Time To Rest Schedule your rest time. Schedule your rest time. Take one day off completely Take one day off completely Totally relax. Totally relax. Focus on something rather than your job. Focus on something rather than your job. Your mind will think clearer. Your mind will think clearer. You will make better decisions. You will make better decisions. You will see life through different eyes. You will see life through different eyes. Learn to rest. Jesus did. Learn to rest. Jesus did.

Questions How often do you actually schedule rest and relaxation time? How often do you actually schedule rest and relaxation time? What do you do to rest your mind at work? At home? What do you do to rest your mind at work? At home? If you had one full day all to yourself, what would you do? If you had one full day all to yourself, what would you do?

Prayer Lord, teach me how to rest. Show me how I can turn towards You and refresh and rejuvenate myself. I know that without rest, I cannot accomplish the goals and desires that You have placed within me. Thank you for Your rest! In Jesus name, amen. Lord, teach me how to rest. Show me how I can turn towards You and refresh and rejuvenate myself. I know that without rest, I cannot accomplish the goals and desires that You have placed within me. Thank you for Your rest! In Jesus name, amen.